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Reduce the Risk of a Loved One Falling: A Caregiver’s Guide

When it comes to caring for our aging loved ones, their safety and well-being are of utmost importance. If you’re seeking senior care services in Pacific Palisades, there is a variety of professionals available to support you. One common concern for caregivers is the risk of falls, which can have serious consequences for the elderly. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive caregiver’s guide on reducing the risk of falls and ensuring the safety of your loved one.

How can I reduce the risk of my senior loved one falling?

Let’s take a look at the 8 straightforward steps to make the chances of your loved one getting hurt lower:

1. Assess the home environment

Start by evaluating your loved one’s living space for potential hazards. Look for loose rugs, cluttered walkways, or uneven flooring that could cause tripping. Install grab bars in the bathroom and handrails on the stairs to provide additional support and stability.

2. Improve lighting

Good visibility is crucial in preventing falls. Make sure all areas of the home are well-lit, especially staircases, hallways, and entrances. Consider using nightlights in bedrooms and bathrooms to assist with nighttime navigation.

3. Encourage regular exercise

Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining strength, balance, and coordination. Encourage your loved one to engage in exercises that improve muscle tone and flexibility, such as walking, gentle yoga, or tai chi. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine suitable exercise routines for their specific needs. This may also be good for their mental health.

4. Review medications

Certain medications for chronic illness management can cause dizziness or increase the risk of falls. Regularly review your loved one’s medication list with their healthcare provider to ensure they are taking the appropriate dosages and to identify any potential side effects that may impact their balance or stability.

5. Provide assistive devices

Assistive devices can significantly reduce the risk of falls. If your loved one experiences mobility challenges, consider providing them with a cane, walker, or wheelchair, as recommended by their healthcare professional. Make sure these devices are properly fitted and regularly maintained.

6. Encourage eye and hearing exams

Vision and hearing impairments can contribute to falls. Schedule regular eye and hearing exams for your loved one to identify and address any issues. Corrective measures, such as glasses or hearing aids, can improve their overall sensory awareness and reduce the risk of accidents.

7. Organize the home for accessibility

Arrange commonly used items within easy reach to minimize the need for reaching or climbing. Place frequently used items on lower shelves or cabinets to prevent your loved one from overextending or losing balance while trying to access them.

8. Promote proper footwear

Encourage your loved one to wear properly fitting, non-slip footwear with good support. Avoid high heels or shoes with slippery soles, as these can increase the risk of falls. Regularly check the condition of their shoes and replace them when necessary.

9. Stay alert to changes in health

Monitor your loved one’s health and be attentive to any sudden changes that may impact their mobility or balance. Report any concerns to their healthcare provider promptly to address potential issues before they escalate.

10. Consider professional help

If you are unable to provide full-time assistance or your loved one requires additional support, consider getting help from professionals. In-home caregivers can provide assistance with daily activities, mobility support, and fall prevention measures, ensuring your loved one’s safety and well-being.

How do I find dependable senior care services in Pacific Palisades and the surrounding area?

Reducing the risk of falls is a crucial aspect of caring for your aging loved one. A Better Way in Home Care is here to connect you with trusted and experienced caregivers who will provide exceptional help tailored to your loved one’s needs. Take the first step towards peace of mind and contact us today to find the right solution for your family. Whether your loved one lives near Temescal Gateway Park or in another part of the neighborhood, the experts we connect you with will be able to help them. Your loved one deserves the best, and we are here to make that happen.


How to Help an Aging Loved One Through a Mental Health Decline

As our loved ones age, they may experience a decline in mental health, which can be challenging for both them and their caregivers. If you’re seeking senior care in Pacific Palisades, there are ways to get professional help. Until then, there are effective strategies to assist your aging loved one through a mental health decline, ensuring their well-being and quality of life.

How to care for the seniors’ mental health?

Let’s take a look at the most useful steps that you can take to make sure your elderly loved one is getting the mental health support they need:

  1. Recognize the signs and seek professional guidance

It’s essential to recognize the signs of a mental health decline in your aging loved one that may happen due to aging changes in the nervous system, which may include persistent sadness, anxiety, social withdrawal, or changes in behavior. Consult with a healthcare professional experienced in caring for the elderly to evaluate their condition and provide appropriate guidance and treatment options.

  1. Foster open communication and active listening

Create a safe and supportive environment for your loved one to express their feelings and concerns. Encourage open communication and actively listen without judgment. Validating their emotions can help alleviate their distress and strengthen your bond.

  1. Maintain a routine and engage in meaningful activities

Establishing a consistent routine can provide stability and a sense of purpose for your loved one. Engage them in activities they enjoy, such as hobbies, gentle exercises, or spending time with family and friends. These activities can enhance their mental well-being and promote a positive outlook.

  1. Encourage social connections

Isolation can worsen mental health conditions in the elderly. Encourage your loved one to maintain social connections through community events, centers for the elderly, or online platforms. Engaging in social activities can reduce feelings of loneliness and enhance their overall mental well-being.

  1. Provide nutritious meals and encourage physical health

A balanced diet and regular physical activity can have a positive impact on mental health. Ensure that your loved one is consuming nutritious meals and staying physically active to support their overall well-being. Consult a healthcare professional for dietary recommendations tailored to their specific needs.

  1. Promote mental stimulation

Engage your loved one in activities that promote mental stimulation, such as puzzles, reading, or learning new skills. Keeping their mind active can improve cognitive function and help combat mental health decline.

  1. Seek support from professional caregivers

Consider the assistance of professional caregivers experienced in caring for the elderly to provide additional support. In-home caregivers can offer companionship, assistance with daily activities, medication management, and supervision, ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved one.

  1. Pay attention to your own mental health

Caring for an aging loved one can be emotionally demanding. Remember to prioritize your own mental health and seek support when needed. Engaging in self-care activities and connecting with support groups or counselors can help you navigate the challenges more effectively.

Where can I find reliable senior care in Pacific Palisades and the surrounding area?

When an aging loved one experiences a mental health decline, providing compassionate help and support becomes paramount. At A Better Way in Home Care, we understand the unique needs of the elderly and are dedicated to assisting families in finding the right elderly assistance services. From helping them cope with their chronic illnesses to taking them on walks around Will Rogers State Beach or helping ensure that they don’t fall if they have any physical conditions that limits their movement, the professionals we connect you with are qualified to do it all. Contact us today to explore the options available and ensure the well-being and quality of life of your aging loved one.


Management of Chronic Illness Symptoms: Helping Clients Cope

Living with a chronic illness can be a daily struggle, requiring resilience and adaptability in the face of ongoing symptoms and challenges. Health professionals, particularly senior home care service providers, are instrumental in helping clients in Pacific Palisades navigate this complex journey with compassion, support, and guidance. 

Stay tuned, as we’re about to discuss the role of health professionals in chronic illness management and the strategies they employ to help clients cope with symptoms, improve their quality of life, and maintain a sense of empowerment and control over their condition.

senior home care pacific palisades

How do health professionals help those living with a chronic illness cope?

According to a study published in Families, Systems and Health, a team from the University of Michigan investigated the experiences of more than 700 adults who had helped a friend or family member manage a chronic illness. Survey respondents assisted with medication management, medical appointments, health care forms, and cooking healthy food, suggesting that healthcare teams should be more involved in the care of their loved ones. Why is that so?

  1. Personalized care plans

Chronic illness affects each individual differently. However, you can trust experienced home care professionals to develop personalized care plans that address the specific needs of each client. As part of this process, they’ll devise a medication management plan, as well as monitor daily symptoms and adjust the plan as necessary.

  • Symptom monitoring & management

Regular monitoring of a client’s symptoms is essential for effective chronic illness management. Healthcare professionals should help clients keep a record of their symptoms and look for patterns or triggers. By understanding the factors that provoke symptom flare-ups, they can offer seniors effective methods of preventing or minimizing them.

  • Medication management

Medication plays a crucial role in managing many chronic illnesses. Health professionals should ensure that clients are taking their medications as prescribed and monitor for potential side effects. They can also provide education on the proper use of medications and address any concerns the client may have.

  1. Emotional support

Living with a chronic illness can take a toll on a person’s mental health. Yet, with the support and encouragement of professional caregivers, clients can work through their emotions and cope with various health challenges. This can include offering a listening ear, providing reassurance, or referring them to professional help when necessary.

  1. Lifestyle modifications

Making lifestyle changes can often help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being for those living with chronic illnesses. Still, an experienced professional will empower clients by encouraging them to adopt healthier habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper sleep hygiene. They can also help them identify and eliminate potential triggers in their environment.

  1. Support network

A strong support network is crucial for individuals coping with chronic illness. Make sure you surround your aging loved ones with health specialists adept at helping them build and maintain relationships with friends, family, and support groups. These connections are vital in providing emotional support, practical assistance, and a sense of belonging – all of which can help them cope with their symptoms.

How do health professionals help those living with a chronic illness cope

Where can I find qualified home care in Pacific Palisades and the area? 

You think your aging parent needs more help at home? You’re in the right place! A Better Way in Home Care is here to help chronically ill individuals improve their quality of life. You can rely on us to connect you with qualified caregivers, whether you live near Palisades Charter High School or elsewhere in the area. In addition to helping your loved one lead a safe, pleasant, and fulfilling life, these experts can help with daily activities as well. Get in touch with us today and let’s discuss your needs!


7 Common Signs Elderly Parents Need More Support at Home

As our loved ones grow older, their need for assistance and support may become increasingly apparent. While some of them experience a sudden need for help, others may exhibit more subtle signs that gradually indicate a need for additional assistance. For this reason, adult children often struggle to recognize these signs and determine when to step in with senior home care in Pacific Palisades and the area. 

In the following blog, we’ll explore the common indicators that suggest your elderly parents might need extra help at home, highlighting what to look out for and what you can do to help them.

What is the best way to tell if an elderly person needs help

What is the best way to tell if an elderly person needs help?

Many seniors wish to remain independent for as long as possible to maintain control over their lives. In most cases, they hide or downplay their problems until a serious injury or abrupt decline in health makes it obvious that they need help. 

Here are some common indicators that an elderly individual may require an increased level of care:

  1. Changes in personal hygiene & grooming

A decline in personal hygiene and grooming can be one of the first indicators that your elderly loved one needs some more assistance. If you notice they’re neglecting their basic self-care, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, or wearing clean clothes, it may be time to consider additional support.

  1. A decline in mobility & balance

As we age, keeping our balance and mobility can become increasingly difficult. You may notice that your loved one is having difficulty walking, navigating stairs, or getting in and out of chairs, which may require further assistance to prevent falls and ensure their safety.

  1. Unexplained weight loss or changes in appetite

Unexplained weight loss or changes in appetite can be a sign that an elderly person is not getting the nutrition they need. Whether your loved one is skipping meals, struggling to prepare meals, or simply losing weight, it may be time to explore options for meal assistance or in-home support.

  1. Difficulty managing medications

Proper medication management is crucial for long-term health, particularly for elderly patients with chronic conditions. In case your aging parent or other family member has trouble remembering to take their medications, mistaking dosages, or suffering adverse effects, you should help them stay on top of their medication regimen. 

  1. Unkempt living environment

Seniors who live in a cluttered or unkempt environment may be struggling with home maintenance. If you notice piles of unopened mail, dirty dishes, or dirt and dust buildup, consider offering additional support with housekeeping tasks.

  1. Social isolation & withdrawal

Social isolation and withdrawal are symptoms of both physical and emotional problems among the elderly. If your loved one is no longer participating in activities they once enjoyed or avoiding social interactions, you should give them more support so they can remain active and involved in their community.

  1. Confusion & memory issues

Cognitive decline, including memory loss and confusion, can challenge seniors to manage their daily tasks and routines. If your loved one is frequently disoriented, forgetful, or incapable of decision-making, they may need additional assistance to remain self-sufficient.

pacific palisades senior home care

Where in Pacific Palisades and the surrounding area can I find expert senior home care?

Choosing the right care for your senior loved one can be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. That’s why we can refer caregivers who offer a wide range of services to meet your unique needs. Whether you need someone who can help chronically ill people live better lives, or perhaps you’d like to know more about a caregiver’s role in fall prevention, A Better Way in Home Care is the one to call. What’s best, we thoroughly vet every caretaker we recommend. We are here to help you no matter where in Pacific Palisades you live. Give us a call today!


The Role of Caregivers in Supporting the Needs of the Elderly

As people age, it’s natural for them to need more assistance with daily activities. This is where caregivers come in. Supporting the elderly and helping them maintain a good quality of life is one of their most important responsibilities. Whether the caregiver is a family member, a friend, or a professional, the caregiver plays a vital role in improving the quality of life for seniors.

If you feel like you’re unable to maintain the level of care your loved one needs, it may be time to look into senior care services in Brentwood and understand the responsibilities of a senior caregiver. Let’s dive right in!

What is the role of a caregiver in elderly care

What is the role of a caregiver in elderly care?

Taking care of an elderly person may involve a variety of different responsibilities from day to day, however, some basic duties never change.

  1. Caregiving

Caregivers provide hands-on support to help seniors who are experiencing difficulty with daily tasks due to age or illness. Generally, this involves assistance with walking, exercising, bathing, grooming, dressing, and other routine personal hygiene tasks. By providing compassionate and personalized care, they preserve their dignity and independence while improving their overall quality of life.

  1. Companionship

One of the most important roles of a caregiver is to provide companionship and emotional support. Many elderly people suffer from loneliness and depression, and having someone to talk to and spend time with can make a big difference in their mental and emotional well-being. Caregivers can engage your loved ones in meaningful activities such as playing games, taking walks, or simply having a conversation.

  1. Meal preparation

Another important aspect of caregiving for the elderly is meal preparation. Experienced caregivers can help plan and prepare nutritious meals for seniors based on their dietary needs and preferences. This can also include grocery shopping, cooking, and clean-up.

In some cases, elderly family members have difficulty eating or swallowing and require assistance with feeding or special utensils, or food preparation methods. Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, and caregivers can play a key role in ensuring that their loved ones are receiving the necessary nutrients to stay healthy.

  1. Medication management

The role of a caregiver also includes medication management. Seniors often have multiple prescriptions that need to be taken at specific times throughout the day. It can be easy to forget or mix up medications, which can have serious consequences. Caregivers can assist with medication reminders and ensure that your loved one is taking medications as prescribed. This includes managing prescription refills and communicating with doctors and pharmacists as needed.

  1. Light housekeeping

Light housekeeping is another essential aspect of caregiving. As people age, it can become increasingly challenging for them to manage the upkeep of their homes. A caregiver can assist with light housekeeping duties such as dusting, vacuuming, and laundry. While these may seem insignificant, their impact on the quality of life of the elderly can be significant. A neat and age-friendly living space relieves stress and promotes a positive mindset.

brentwood senior care services

Who offers reliable senior home care services in Brentwood?

Siblings may find themselves in disagreements and disputes when caring for an elderly parent who requires assistance. Such family conflicts can escalate quickly when emotions are heightened, making it difficult to resolve the issues and restore harmony.

Our mission is to work with you to find a solution that works for everyone. Our expertise lies in referring the best home care providers for seniors in Brentwood, which we have been doing for over 20 years. It is our primary goal to assist seniors in finding local caregivers capable of providing them with the highest quality of care and making their lives more fulfilling. Get in touch with us and book your first appointment!


Creating an Age-Friendly Home

A home is usually a place of comfort. But as we age, our homes can become potentially dangerous. Our bodies change, and our physical abilities may become more limited. This can make everyday tasks around the home more challenging and increase the risk of accidents and falls. Creating an age-friendly home can help make daily activities easier and safer.

But how to do it properly? We talked to professional in-home senior care providers in Brentwood and discussed simple, inexpensive ways to adapt your home and help aging parents and other senior family members. 

What do seniors fear the most

What do seniors fear the most?

Some common fears among seniors include financial instability, fear of losing independence, loneliness, isolation, falling or being injured, and the fear of making health-related decisions. All of these can be overwhelming for your elderly loved ones, and ensuring that their home is safer for them can certainly alleviate some of their worries. Why? Taking this step may reduce the risk of falls and other injuries, enhance their quality of life, and possibly reduce the cost of long-term care for their families.

How do you create an age-friendly environment?

The concept of independent living describes senior citizens who live mainly on their own. To keep seniors as independent as possible, you can create senior-friendly homes with a few small changes and ensure their safety and dignity as they age.

  • Remove tripping hazards: Clear pathways of clutter, rugs, and cords, and make sure they’re free of clutter and that lighting is sufficient.
  • Install grab bars and handrails: Place grab bars near the tub, toilet, and shower in the bathroom. Also, add handrails in areas where support and balance are needed, such as stairways and hallways.
  • Consider mobility aids: Canes and walkers may be helpful if you have difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time. A common and easy solution to make your home more accessible is to install a ramp to the entrance.
  • Choose user-friendly appliances: Consider those with convenient and practical features, such as pre-set programming.
  • Consider non-slip flooring: You don’t have to replace the whole floor. Instead, you can use products to make it less slippery.
  • Improve lighting: It’s important to maintain proper lighting in all rooms, particularly in areas with poor lighting such as stairways. Additionally, installing motion sensor lights can be helpful in preventing falls.
  • Modify your bathroom: Think about investing in a raised toilet seat and a shower bench. Also, replacing a traditional bathtub with a walk-in shower or adding a non-slip mat to the bottom of the bathtub can be quite helpful.
  • Get a medical alert system: For elderly loved ones who wish to age in place, a medical alert system is an important safety and security feature. You might want to consider investing in one as an emergency backup.
How do you create an age-friendly environment

How can I find reliable senior care services in Brentwood and the surrounding area?

Caring for an aging family member can be overwhelming and challenging. If you’re struggling to keep up with the responsibilities, A Better Way In Home Care can provide the support you need. The caregivers we refer know how to assist with everyday tasks such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. You can count on them to take your loved ones to appointments and run errands for you. They can even help them maintain their creativity and help them practice mindfulness. Moreover, experienced caregivers can provide companionship and conversation to help alleviate stress levels. For instance, a walk around Brentwood Circle or nearby streets can boost your loved one’s mood and well-being. Give us a call today and learn more about how we can help!


How to Stay Creative as a Senior

As we age, our bodies and minds go through a variety of changes. While some older adults may feel that their creative spark has diminished with age, staying creative can actually be an important part of maintaining mental and emotional well-being. 

Some individuals in Brentwood choose to get help from senior home care professionals to keep their elderly loved ones active. Whether you choose to do this or not, you may find it useful to explore what happens to our creativity as we get older and provide tips on how to stay creative as an elderly person.

Why is creativity important for older adults

What happens to our creativity as we get older?

As we grow older, our brains undergo changes that can affect our creative abilities. For example, the frontal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for problem-solving and decision-making, may start to shrink. This can make it more difficult for older adults to generate new ideas or think outside the box.

Additionally, the elderly may experience cognitive decline, which can affect their memory and concentration. This can make it challenging to stay focused on creative pursuits and remember important details.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to know that your elderly loved ones can still maintain their creativity and find joy in creative activities with the right approach and circumstances.

Why is creativity important for older adults?

Staying creative can have numerous benefits for older adults, including:

  1. Improved cognitive function: Engaging in creative activities can help keep the mind active and improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that the elderly who engage in creative activities may have a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
  2. Reduced stress: Staying creative can be a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Painting, drawing, writing, or other similar pursuits can provide a sense of calm and help your elderly loved one unwind.
  3. Increased social connections: Making room for creativity can provide opportunities for your elderly loved one to connect with others who share their interests. This can help combat feelings of loneliness and social isolation, which can be common in the elderly.
What happens to our creativity as we get older

How can seniors stay creative?

Let’s take a look at the 4 most useful tips on how your elderly loved one can stay creative:

  1. Try new things: Trying new things can help keep the mind active and spark creativity. The elderly might consider taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill.
  2. Make time for creative pursuits: Set aside time each day or each week to engage in creative activities. This can help make creativity a priority and ensure that the elderly have time to focus on their passions.
  3. Join a group: Joining a creative group can provide opportunities for social connection and inspiration. Older adults might consider joining a writing group, art class, or theater group.
  4. Use technology: Technology can be a great tool for staying creative. Your elderly loved one can use apps or websites to create digital art, write stories, or even design their own websites.

Where in Brentwood and the surrounding area can I find dependable professionals for senior home care?

If you’re looking for reliable and compassionate care for an elderly loved one, look no further than A Better Way in Home Care. We connect you with experienced caregivers who provide personalized care and support to the elderly, helping them live comfortably and confidently at home.

With the professionals we connect you with, you can count on the finest level of care. They work closely with families to create customized care plans that meet their unique needs and preferences. From teaching seniors relaxation techniques to helping them arrange their homes to their needs, these experienced caregivers are ready to help. The caregivers are available 24/7 to provide assistance with daily living activities, medication management, and more. You’ll be able to enjoy your day at Marsh Creek State Park in peace knowing that your loved one is safe. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your loved one’s needs.


A Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation for Seniors

As we age, our bodies and minds can face a variety of challenges. However, mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for the elderly to maintain their well-being and improve their quality of life. 

In this guide, we’ll explore how to teach mindfulness to the elderly and the benefits of meditation for this age group. Whether you want to find senior home care in Brentwood for your elderly loved one or not, mindfulness can be a useful tool at any age.

What are the benefits of meditation for seniors

How do you teach mindfulness to seniors?

Teaching mindfulness to older adults requires a gentle approach that takes into consideration their unique needs and limitations. Here are some tips for teaching mindfulness to the elderly:

  1. Keep it simple: Use simple language and concepts that are easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or complicated terms that might confuse or overwhelm your elderly loved one.
  2. Practice together: Participate in mindfulness exercises together to help your elderly loved ones get the hang of it. For example, you might try guided meditations or breathing exercises.
  3. Be patient: Allow the elderly to take their time and move at their own pace. Remember that mindfulness can be challenging, especially for those who are new to it.
  4. Use props: Props such as pillows or chairs can help older adults get comfortable during meditation. Make sure that the environment is conducive to mindfulness, with minimal distractions and comfortable seating.
  5. Encourage consistency: Encourage your elderly loved one to practice mindfulness regularly for the best results. Set achievable goals, such as meditating for a few minutes each day, and offer support and encouragement along the way.

What are the benefits of meditation for seniors?

Meditation can offer numerous benefits for your elderly loved ones, including:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety: Meditation can help older adults reduce their stress levels and manage anxiety. In one study, the elderly who practiced mindfulness meditation reported lower levels of anxiety and depression than those who did not.
  2. Improved cognitive function: Regular meditation can help your elderly loved one improve their cognitive function, including memory and attention span. Research shows that the elderly who practiced mindfulness meditation showed improved attention and cognitive flexibility.
  3. Better sleep: Meditation can promote better sleep and help your elderly loved one get the rest they need. Older adults who practice meditation tend to experience improved sleep quality and duration.
  4. Reduced pain: Meditation has been shown to potentially help the elderly manage chronic pain. Some older adults with chronic pain have reported less pain and better coping mechanisms thanks to meditation.
  5. Improved emotional well-being: Meditation can improve your elderly loved one’s emotional well-being and help them stay positive and calm. 
How do you teach mindfulness to seniors

Where can I find reliable senior home care in Brentwood and the surrounding area?

At A Better Way in Home Care, we understand that caring for an older loved one can be challenging. That’s why we’re here to provide support and peace of mind to families and caregivers.

The experienced caregivers in our database are trained to provide compassionate care to the elderly, whether they need assistance with daily living activities, medication management, or simply companionship. 

These professionals work closely with families to create personalized care plans that meet their unique needs and preferences and are committed to providing the highest level of care, from making homes more comfortable for the elderly to helping the elderly spark their creativity and brain activity. Our team is here to support you and your loved one by connecting you with dependable professionals. You can go for a walk at Marsh Creek Regional Trail knowing that your loved one is being taken care of by experts you can trust. Reach out today.


A Senior’s Guide to Physical Activity

The importance of physical activity cannot be overstated, no matter your age. Although there are noticeable differences between strength sessions for 75-year-olds and 25-year-olds, building strength for seniors holds as much importance as for younger people.

Luckily, professionals who provide dedicated homecare in Studio City know how to help your elderly loved one stay active and safe. Read on to discover some of their greatest tips for helping the elderly!

Why is strength training for seniors essential?

Why is strength training for seniors essential?

The body of an aging individual changes, often in unwelcome ways. The process of aging, even in a healthy, normal state, includes:

  • Metabolic slowdown
  • Weakened and depleted muscles
  • Increased body fat
  • A reduction in bone density
  • Increased bone porosity
  • Weaker joints
  • Slower reaction times and reflexes
  • Reduced aerobic capacity

These are just a few of the typical changes we encounter as we age, and they don’t necessarily have to be severe. That’s why walking and other low-impact activities are an important part of slowing and minimizing these changes.

What are the benefits of physical activity for seniors?

Furthermore, many diseases like Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes are associated with these transformations. And even though it’s impossible to stop or reverse the aging process completely, physical activity should be part of a daily healthy routine for many reasons:

  1. Fracture prevention

Osteoporosis and bone loss make older adults more likely to suffer fractures and breaks. Even though osteoporosis can be also caused by other factors, research shows that exercising can improve bone density. A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training can boost the density and reduce breakage risks.

  1. Better functional movement 

Strengthening your muscles through training will improve your overall performance. Thanks to it, older adults can gain more mobility, cover longer distances, and even reduce their dependence on assistive devices.

Even if it’s just a light daily activity, as a result, you’ll also be able to perform a variety of functional tasks more easily, such as sitting and bathing. Consequently, this simplifies life considerably, allowing more time for activities.

  1. Boosts mental health

A person’s mental health is as important as their physical health as they age. As you age, you are more likely to suffer from loneliness and a lack of social connections, depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Physical activity increases mobility, improves function, and boosts mood, enabling you to live a more fulfilling life.

How does exercising look for seniors?

What are the benefits of physical activity for seniors?

It’s often assumed that strength training is all about weightlifting, but in reality, it is a form of exercise that is extremely adaptable. It can involve light or heavy weights, but it is also possible to stay active in a variety of other ways. From a simple pet walk and light housekeeping to full body movements similar to the ones you do every day – walking, jogging, squatting, and more. 

Where can I find reliable homecare in Studio City and the surrounding areas?

As a caretaker of an elderly loved one, it is imperative that you do not underestimate how important this task is. However, if you’re on a tight schedule and overburdened with daily responsibilities, A Better Way In Home Care can refer a caregiver to assist you. Besides bathing, dressing, and preparing meals, they can also help your elderly family member feel less lonely and more confident on their feet. 

If you’re living in Studio City or anywhere else in the Los Angeles area, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Let us connect you with someone who’d be eager to help with everyday tasks. We can ensure that seniors remain healthy and happy – regardless of their age! Give us a call today and we’ll match you with the best Caregiver.


Senior Socialization: Why It’s Important?

We all benefit from socialization in many ways: we’re cultivating friendships, improving our communication skills, and fostering a sense of belonging. The importance of socialization does not diminish as we grow older — just the opposite. Social isolation is associated with a number of negative health consequences, including depression, impaired sleep, and inflammatory responses, ultimately resulting in weakened immunity and accelerated mental decline.

Thankfully, in Studio City, professional homecare plays a significant role in helping seniors stay socially active, connect with others, and maintain positive emotional and physical health. Read on to learn more about why seniors need socialization

Why is socialization important for seniors?

Where in Studio City and the surrounding area can I find trusted homecare?

It’s both physically and mentally beneficial to stay social as we age. The following are some of the main advantages explained in more detail.

  1. Decreased depression

In today’s society, social isolation is still a major cause of depression among older adults. There’s no denying that loneliness can affect people at any age, but older adults are at greater risk due to changes in routines and independence. 

Furthermore, seniors are more likely than other age groups to experience loneliness after the passing of a spouse or close friend. Being able to interact with others brings satisfaction in our lives and provides bonds crucial for a good quality of life.

  1. Improved cognitive function

Similarly, active social life is extremely beneficial to a senior’s cognitive health, too. Maintaining positive social interactions on a regular basis will keep seniors engaged, focused, and mentally stimulated. Best of all, healthy social interactions give older adults a sense of self-worth and accountability.

  1. Reduced risk of mental decline

According to studies, many seniors regarded as alert and mentally sharp are socially active. Memory for specific events, described as episodic memory, is preserved through social interaction and friendship among older adults.

However, did you know that improving your or your loved one’s social life is also good for your brain? According to current studies, brain cells are more connected, contributing to the brain’s resilience against Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Better physical health

Socially active seniors typically engage in more activities. Keeping an active physical routine provides seniors with improved physical health while growing older. Exercise offers many health benefits, including:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Enhanced cardiovascular health
  • Low risk of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Improved mental health 
  1. A sense of belonging

In our senior years, being a part of a community has the same importance as it did during our teenage years. When things get tough, we need to know that there are people who can support us. It may be particularly difficult for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one to feel included. So long as people socialize, new friendships can still be made and lasting bonds can be formed.

Where in Studio City and the surrounding area can I find trusted homecare? 

Why is socialization important for seniors?

Here at A Better Way in Home Care, we have a team of experienced and knowledgeable caregivers who can help out your elderly family members in Studio City and the vicinity. Their goal is to make sure they are well taken care of in every way possible: help them with their daily chores, prepare meals for them, accompany them to doctors, provide emotional and social support, etc. Assuring that your elderly loved ones receive the dignity and empowerment they deserve is what we strive for.

Our team meticulously checks the background of each caregiver we recommend. Rely on us to match you with a dedicated and supportive senior care professional, whether your loved one lives in Studio City or elsewhere in LA, to provide them with the care they require. Get in touch with us today and discover all the benefits of working with us!
