Light Housekeeping

Cleanliness is essential if we want to remain healthy. This is why it is necessary for your living space to always be clean. Germs can be especially harmful for seniors and they often need the most help keeping up with home maintenance. A Better Way In Home Care refers you to caregivers who can help your elderly family member live in a well-maintained, dirt-free home.

light housekeeping for seniors in la

Due to old age, medical conditions and general lack of physical strength and flexibility, it’s often difficult for seniors to perform even simple housework, which often results in unwanted untidiness and clutter. On the other hand, attempts at physically challenging housework tasks can be potentially risky because there’s constant danger of accidents.

For these reasons, many elderly people find the best solution to be transferring to a senior care facility, which means leaving a safe and familiar environment of their home and living in what most feel to be cold medical institutions. Many don’t want to be a burden to their families who might be living far away, which is another factor influencing the decision. Luckily, A Better Way In Home Care works with caregivers in different locations, so your elderly loved ones can get access to home care services they need wherever they need them.

If we know that our senior loved ones experience enough difficulties in coping with their everyday routines and leaving the house as often as they would like is scarcely possible, it is our duty to make the space where they spend most of their time as clean and comfortable as it can be. We want to avoid them getting frustrated and depressed at the state of their home, feeling they are powerless to do anything about it. Some housework may be simple to younger people, but it can mean the world to our elderly loved ones to have someone take care of it.

The following are some of the basic cleaning tasks that caregivers we refer you to can perform:

  • Dusting, mopping, and vacuuming the floors
  • Helping to clean the bathrooms
  • Changing bed sheets
  • Keeping clutter out of the living space
  • Taking out the garbage
  • Performing laundry duties
  • Washing the dishes
  • Taking care of pets

At A Better Way In Home Care, we’ve spent years matching families with trustworthy elderly care providers in Los Angeles. The caregivers we recommend are experienced, reliable, and dedicated to making life easier for seniors in Beverly Hills and the surrounding areas.

Aside from light housekeeping, a trained caregiver offers many other services to take great care of your elderly loved one, including:

Just give us a call and see what we can do for you.

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