Archive for October 2024

How to Help Seniors Embrace Aging

What if you could welcome the process of aging with expectancy and joy? It’s an inevitable part of our journey and it doesn’t have to mean a decline in vitality or health in the short term. Of course, naturally, health risks tend to increase with biological age, but you can minimize them by adopting attitudes and habits that promote mental, physical, and emotional well-being. 

In addition, you can count on the comprehensive assistance by professionals in Sherman Oaks who provide a meticulous in-home care service and help seniors enjoy their golden years. Join us today to explore how you or your aging loved one can embrace aging

Why is it hard to accept getting older?

Why is it hard to accept getting older

Growing older brings a lot of transitions. Seniors may have to adjust to living on a fixed income, managing their free time, and even deal with losing loved ones. In addition, there could be some physical health issues that are common with aging, such as coping with hearing loss or overcoming the difficulties of vision loss. It can be overwhelming when so many changes hit at once and a senior can easily become scared, angry, irritable, or hopeless. 

How do you help people cope with aging?

With the right approach, aging can be filled with opportunities and experiences. Let’s see how you or your senior loved one can thrive in your golden age:

Prioritize health and wellness

Taking care of health is essential for enjoying life to the fullest. Balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient rest can enhance a senior’s overall we-llbeing. In addition, engaging in low-impact activities such as yoga, walking, or swimming can help improve balance and flexibility. 

Cultivate social connections

Keeping social connections is important. Whether it’s reconnecting with old friends, making new ones through social gatherings and clubs, or spending time with family, it can prevent the feeling of isolation and boost mood. And if there are loved ones who live far away, using technology is an excellent way to keep in touch. 

Never stop learning

There’s no reason for age to be a barrier to personal growth and learning. Activate your mind through taking up a hobby, reading, or enrolling in a course that sparks your curiosity. Pursuing knowledge not only keeps a sharp mind but also adds a sense of purpose to your everyday life. 

Keep pursuing your interests

It’s time to go for those interests and hobbies you’ve always wanted to engage in. Be it gardening, painting, crafting, or playing a musical instrument, taking part in these activities that bring you satisfaction and joy can give you a renewed sense of accomplishment and purpose. 

Embrace technology

The digital age has introduced countless opportunities for seniors to stay connected, continue learning, and enjoy entertainment. From streaming platforms and  online courses to video calls to keep in touch with family and friends, technology can unlock new doors and help you stay connected with the world around you. 

Who in Sherman Oaks can provide trusted in-home care service?

How do you help people cope with aging

Staying active in your golden age is important and our team at A Better Way in Home Care can connect you with trusted caregivers who are compassionate, dedicated, and highly qualified to keep you company and provide you with the assistance you or your senior loved one need. 

They’ll help you make new friends, stay engaged in activities you love, carry out everyday tasks with ease, and enjoy a relaxing walk around the Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Park. Get in touch with us today and we’ll make sure we send you the caregiver that matches your needs and personality!


A Guide to Helping Seniors Cope With Vision Loss

Visual decline is common for seniors. However, it can be life-changing and devastating as we heavily rely on visual cues to accomplish everything we do throughout the day. If your loved one is experiencing this change in their life, there are actions you can take to ease this for them

One way to help is to reach out to a reliable agency in Sherman Oaks that can provide your parent or other senior relative with trusted in-home care so they can have the additional support they need to an extent that allows them to feel comfortable. Read on for more ways you can make their everyday life easier. 

What are the emotional effects of sight loss?

What are the emotional effects of sight loss

Some specialists compare the initial reaction to the stages of grief a person experiences after losing a loved one, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, each of them carrying different feelings. Helping your loved one understand these feelings can ease the fear they’re experiencing:

  • Denial: The first response is usually disbelief and even after some time, this feeling can occur again and again.
  • Anger: As denial and shock start to wear off, the senior may ask “why me?” and express strong feelings of anger. However, anger is a good way to direct the grief outward and move on.
  • Bargaining: The feeling of helplessness can lead to despair, and out of desperation, they may try bargaining with others and themselves and make promises such as “I promise never to do X again.” or “If I get my vision back, I will be a better person.”
  • Depression: They’ll feel sad and isolated and think that no one else would be able to understand their loss. These feelings can make them withdraw from their usual social life.
  • Acceptance: Finally, a sense of hope begins to return. They’ll start feeling periods of optimism and acquiring new skills that will allow them to return to usual activities. 

How to make life easier and safer for seniors with low vision?

It’s important for seniors to understand they can continue living a productive life. Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Help them rebuild self-confidence.
  • Try not to be overprotective.
  • Encourage self-reliance.
  • Recognize the progress they make. 
  • Let them know you’re always there if they need any help. 

In addition, there are some practical ways to make their everyday life easier:

  • Make sure they have proper lighting: A well-lit space with minimized glare can make all the difference and help them enjoy their usual activities. Consider some task lighting,  under-cabinet lighting, and nightlights in hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms. Keeping the lights on during day time is also a good idea. 
  • Minimize the risk of falling: Make sure you remove any trip hazards like electrical cords or throw rugs. You may also consider repositioning furniture.
  • High-powered eyeglass lenses are very effective for magnifying any reading material. However, there are also many newspapers, magazines, and books available in large-print format.
  • Audiobooks are an excellent choice for books that are more difficult to read. 
  • Make sure they regularly visit their ophthalmologist or optometrist to keep a check on their vision. Correcting vision issues combined with low-vision devices will help them better utilize their remaining vision.

Where in Sherman Oaks can I find reliable in-home care?

How to make life easier and safer for seniors with low vision

Learning to cope with vision loss can be less challenging with reliable assistance. A Better Way in Home Care is here to connect you with experienced and kind-hearted caregivers who can provide you or your loved one with compassionate support. 

They have a wealth of experience in assisting seniors with hearing loss, fostering social connections, as well as encouraging seniors to embrace aging. Whether your home is in Sherman Oaks or across San Fernando Valley, you can count on their comprehensive care. Contact us today!
