In Home Care Is Often the Perfect Option

Archive for December 2013

In Home Care Is Often the Perfect Option

In home care Los Angeles is something that many people consider when a loved one needs help. There are a number of benefits, making it the perfect option for many. In fact, the benefits can be summarized perfectly with the following three points.


As people get older, they fear that they will lose some of their independence. It’s an understandable feeling that many will relate to. People prefer to look after themselves and have the freedom to do as they wish but those abilities diminish, as we get older.  Often, the lack of independence isn’t something that seniors will choose for themselves. It happens due to physical issues and some memory problems that can happen over time.

It may be worthwhile thinking about how a lack of independence would affect you to understand this. When someone takes something from you without your permission, you feel angry.  This is how many seniors feel when their freedom is taken from them.

Going into a care home facility can take that independence away. In fact, 86% of senior citizens, at least, say that they want to avoid nursing homes for their twilight years. Many will fight against home help, let alone going into a care home, because they want to still do everything they can by themselves. They don’t want to go back to being a child where people tell them what they need to do and when it needs to be done.

When organizing in home care, making it clear that it is just a supportive option is essential. The senior will still be able to act independently but ask for help when necessary. There is none of the being ordered around or made to do something that they simply don’t want to do.  The professional caregiver Los Angeles is not there to restrict their movements.  They are there to help them remain free for as long as possible.

Improving Quality of Life

Quality of life gets worse as your health goes. As people fail to be able to leave their homes as much, they find themselves stuck in one place.  A serious illness or injury such as a fractured hip can take significant time to heal and restricts movement. This can often lead to a sudden and quick decline in overall health.

With a Los Angeles caregiver, a quicker and full recovery is possible for certain illneses. Los Angeles in home care providers are there to offer help with moving around and make sure seniors are safe at all times. This can help to avoid accidents and breakages. Senior citizens won’t feel like they have to give up the things that they love to do, like they would if they didn’t have help.

Family can try their best but eventually a senior family member can come to feel like a burden. There is a lot of guilt when this occurs, for the family members and the elderly family member. However, in home care assistance is a perfect option to avoid these feelings and make sure your senior relative has the best quality of life possible.

Peace of Mind

When a family member gets ill, has a fall or is struggling with their illnesses, family members worry. They will be more at ease knowing that there is someone giving the care and attention their parent, grandparent or other family member needs. They will know that this person is safe and will have the best quality of life. The last thing anyone wants is to get that call to say the person they love is in hospital because of a fall.

When seniors develop dementia, family members worry whether they’ve locked their door, turned off the stove or forgotten to take their medication. With in home care Los Angeles, these worries don’t need to be there because a caregiver ensures that all this happens properly.  Our clients have peace of mind they need to get a good night’s sleep and be happy.

For more information on finding the best Los Angeles caregiver or general questions about senior care Los Angeles call us today at: (323) 650-2211.


What makes a Good Caregiver?

The best caregivers have the skills and dedication to their work.  Here are some attributes that a make a great Los Angeles caregiver.


The personality of the caregiver is an important factor. This person will need to have empathy and selflessness. General human compassion isn’t enough.  There are some traits that need to be there, including a positive attitude, choosing to care, being able to empower others, being sweet and being able to handle those bad days.


Experience is important factor. With experience comes the knowledge of how to handle situations and help with different needs quickly and efficiently.

Experience also brings skills that they have learned along the way. It could be dealing with something specific, which helps the client, or how to deal with particular characteristics, emotions or outbursts. When someone is looking for care for a specific condition, hiring someone with little or no experience may not be the best option, even when they have the best of intentions.


Most of the work that a caregiver does is unsupervised. There are all sorts of problems that can happen and they can turn up late or not show up at all. Sometimes the issues can be genuine, but other times the caregivers come up with new excuses. Reliability is a must. If they can’t be relied upon to turn up on time, can they be relied upon to do all the necessary tasks and really make a difference?

References don’t always help here. Most people refused to declare the negatives about someone because they don’t want to expose themselves to problems. They also don’t want to ruin the employability of a person simply trying to make a living.

Being Honest

This isn’t just about stealing. They need to be honest in their limitations and abilities. They often find themselves in charge of a person’s money, prescription drugs and supplies. At times your caregivers might need time off but they need to be honest about the time they will take and come back when they say they will. They need to give enough notice that time needs to be taken to make sure the client doesn’t lose out.

All of the factors above can help make a caregiver a good one. Not all humans have every single quality on this list and some don’t have the right personality. The personality of the caregiver and patient in the caring relationship needs to fit in every capacity.  This is just as important as knowledge and skill.  For more information on finding the best Los Angeles caregiver or general questions about senior care Los Angeles call us today at: (323) 650-2211.


Message from Steffi Gaines – ABW’s Caregiver Screening Process

How Does ABW find the best caregivers? 

The caregivers refer us to other great caregivers in Los Angeles.  This has worked out beautifully for ABW.

Does ABW advertise for caregivers?

We do not advertise for caregivers.  Quality caregivers know us by reputation, or are referred to us.  We have a very detailed screening process all potential caregivers must go through.

What is the ABW caregiver Interview Process?

This starts with an initial screening process with Sheridan, Steffi Gaines sister, which can last up to 2-hours.

Then we set-up an appointment and they fill in their extensive application.   We review all of the caregiver’s documents and past references.  Then we have an extensive orientation to explain how ABW works.

I personally interview each caregiver and this can last between 1-3 hours.  It’s essential that I get to know them on a human basis.

If a Los Angeles caregiver interviews well and has the right attitude, experience, and heart we then do a thorough background check and confirm all past references.

Only after all these steps are taken do we start referring caregivers to potential clients. 

What are the minimum requirements to be an ABW caregiver?

  • Minimum 6-years of provable experience
  • Legally allowed to work in the U.S.
  • Positive attitude
  • Passion for caregiving and looking out for the welfare of others
  • People who empower others