How Does ABW find the best caregivers?
The caregivers refer us to other great caregivers in Los Angeles. This has worked out beautifully for ABW.
Does ABW advertise for caregivers?
We do not advertise for caregivers. Quality caregivers know us by reputation, or are referred to us. We have a very detailed screening process all potential caregivers must go through.
What is the ABW caregiver Interview Process?
This starts with an initial screening process with Sheridan, Steffi Gaines sister, which can last up to 2-hours.
Then we set-up an appointment and they fill in their extensive application. We review all of the caregiver’s documents and past references. Then we have an extensive orientation to explain how ABW works.
I personally interview each caregiver and this can last between 1-3 hours. It’s essential that I get to know them on a human basis.
If a Los Angeles caregiver interviews well and has the right attitude, experience, and heart we then do a thorough background check and confirm all past references.
Only after all these steps are taken do we start referring caregivers to potential clients.
What are the minimum requirements to be an ABW caregiver?
- Minimum 6-years of provable experience
- Legally allowed to work in the U.S.
- Positive attitude
- Passion for caregiving and looking out for the welfare of others
- People who empower others