What Are the Biggest Safety Hazards for the Elderly?

Archive for June 2020

What Are the Biggest Safety Hazards for the Elderly?

What are some safety hazards in the home?

If there is a silver lining to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19, it is that it has helped raise awareness of the vulnerability of the elderly and the health and safety risks they face on a daily basis. It has also taught us the true meaning of solidarity and showed us the powerful impact that acting together as a community can have in protecting the elderly population. 

But although the days of COVID-19-induced lockdown when seniors were forced to stay indoors are behind us and the risk that our elderly loved ones will contract the virus is drastically lower now, there are still dangers out there that we need to be on the lookout for. 


How Do You Prevent Common Home Injuries in Seniors?

What injury is common in older adults?

All of us are more or less prone to accidents. They can happen while we’re driving, grocery shopping or working. The irony is that it is at home that accidents are most likely to happen. But not everyone is lucky enough to overcome injuries and recover from various home accidents quickly and completely. Case in point: the elderly living alone. It is up to us to help them stay safe and protected at home

Since their job is to help the elderly living independently at home, professional providers of homecare in Brentwood are used to seeing all kinds of scenarios in the workplace, which is why they are experts at recognizing the common safety hazards in seniors’ households

So what are the common home injuries for the senior population and what can we do to prevent them?
