Can Pets Have a Healing Effect on Seniors?

Archive for May 2021

Can Pets Have a Healing Effect on Seniors?

As they sink deeper into old age, our parents may feel increasingly lonely and depressed, especially if they live alone. Some seniors will complain about being abandoned and left out, some will act cranky and moody when you are around and others will simply choose to keep to themselves. 

Whatever the case may be, you must be looking for a way to help out when you’re away. You may consider hiring a professional caregiver or asking a neighbor or friend to check up on your aging loved one. You may also pursue another avenue altogether: pet ownership.

We often hear about the therapeutic effect of pets, especially dogs and cats, on human health. But do they truly have the healing power that is attributed to them and can they really benefit seniors and the elderly? Read on to find out more about what professional providers of home care in Westwood and other areas of Westside LA have to say.


Should Your Senior Loved One Get a Pet?

On the one hand, a pet could help a person living alone feel less lonely, but on the other, taking care of a pet is a huge responsibility, especially when the owner is no longer independent enough to take care of themselves.

Whether it was your idea to get a furry friend for your aging parent, or they are the ones who are insisting on it, it’s important to think things through and put them into perspective. It is understandable why you may be skeptical or concerned about the decision and why you may want to give the idea a hard pass. Your head is probably full of questions.

Is pet ownership a sound next move for your senior loved one? How can you be certain if it will work out and they won’t change their mind later on? How can you be certain that you will not end up regretting the decision? Can pet ownership be integrated into homecare for seniors in Westwood and other areas across Los Angeles? 

So what are you to do? Before you jump in the car and drive to the nearest animal shelter, here is what you should know.
