How to Help a Parent with Dementia Who Refuses Care

Archive for December 2018

How to Help a Parent with Dementia Who Refuses Care

home help for seniors

Dementia – the word alone sends shivers down the spine of anyone even remotely familiar with its effects. If you’ve already come face to face with this condition because you’re dealing with a parent who suffers from it, you will have already familiarized yourself with in home senior care, Los Angeles families whose lives have been changed forever by dementia or another brain disease swear by skilled home help for seniors.

But what if your parent refuses to receive care and assistance? In case of dementia, especially if it was caused by a stroke, which requires special care in its own right, the patient requires constant care and vigilance. Read on to learn more.


In-Home Care for the Elderly After a Stroke

home help for seniors

If your elderly loved one has recently suffered a stroke, brace yourself – they are in for a challenge, and so are you. The journey to recovery will be a long and difficult one, and there is always the risk that your elderly loved one will not exactly reach the desired destination. But this risk can be avoided by taking the right steps and seeking in-home care for elderly stroke survivors is a step in the right direction. Actually, due to the rise of the frail elderly population in Los Angeles, home caregivers’ services are now needed more than ever.

Just like they help brain disease patients maintain a level of independence and stability, professional caregivers help stroke survivors get their old lives back and regain independence. Even if your senior family member is unwilling to cooperate, professional in-home care providers know how best to approach them and get them to act in their own best interest.
