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What to Do When the Elderly Refuse to Eat?

What do you do when an elderly person refuses to eatIt is no wonder that many elderly who live alone and lack proper care and assistance with their daily activities suffer from sudden weight loss which can often have a detrimental effect on their health and immunity. They often have difficulty regulating their food intake, or, worse yet, may start refusing to eat altogether. 

Many families struggling with these and similar issues rely on professionals in the field of home care in Pacific Palisades to lend them a helping hand. The solution is not always clear-cut and the preferred course of action isn’t always an easy one. Still, it is possible for professionals to work out the approach that would help your elderly overcome the problem that, if left unaddressed, could put their health and even their life at risk. 

But what causes the elderly to start refusing to eat and what can you and your siblings do about it?

What causes an elderly person to stop eating?

It is not uncommon for the elderly to experience changes in their appetite or loss of appetite. It may happen naturally, as a natural part of the aging process. 

Losing interest in food can happen for a number of reasons: 

  • Changing taste buds
  • Depression
  • Loneliness 
  • Lack of energy to shop for groceries and prepare food
  • Loss of appetite due to deteriorating health
  • Side effects of medication
  • Changes in appetite as a result of aging

To make matters worse, this outcome is far more likely when your elderly loved one is living alone.

What health conditions and medical reasons may lead to loss of appetite?

There is also a number of various medical reasons that may cause your elderly loved one to lose appetite and eventually stop eating, for instance:

  • Lower metabolic rate
  • Less physical activity 
  • Dental issues
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Changes to the sense of taste and smell

Poor appetite isn’t necessarily the end of the world. Sometimes, there is just no cause for concern. However, it would be best to consult a physician about your elderly loved one refusing to eat and lacking appetite as a precautionary measure. After all, refusing to eat could result in your elderly loved one developing dangerous conditions such as nutrient or vitamin deficiency.

What do you do when an elderly person refuses to eat?

Unwanted, unintended weight loss in the elderly could be a cause for concern. It can happen when an elderly person starts refusing to eat or loss of appetite. You can seek assistance from a healthcare professional or try to stimulate the appetite of your elderly loved one by adopting a different approach to meal preparation and planning.

How do you stimulate your elderly loved one’s appetite?

Getting your elderly loved ones to engage in physical activity, however moderate, is an excellent way for them to work up an appetite. It can be something as simple as taking them for a walk several times a week or maybe taking them for a drive to Will Rogers State Historic Park to enjoy fresh air. 

Other things you can do to help your elderly loved one develop a healthy appetite include:

  • Focusing on nutrients, not portion size
  • Set up an eating/feeding schedule
  • Organize social meals whenever possible
  • Be mindful of the common medication side effects
  • Include an appetite stimulant (only after consulting a physician). 

If you are not in a position to commit to this yourself, you can trust the caregiver to do it for you. They may not know your elderly loved one as well as you do, but they have the experience which you may not.

It is time to make life-changing decisions

What causes an elderly person to stop eatingExpert home care in Pacific Palisades can truly turn your life around. We will enrich the life of your elderly loved one by introducing them to the very best caregivers in the whole area who will go above and beyond to cater to all their needs. It has always been our mission to give our elderly clients a higher quality of life through a carefully thought-out approach. Find out why we are the best-rated senior care in LA area!