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How to Establish Trust and Respect in Senior Care

How do you build good relationships with seniors?

One of the most important aspects of senior care is establishing a positive relationship. Seniors have been through a lot in their lives, and they are often weary of new people. It can take time to build up a relationship of trust with them, but it is well worth the effort. When seniors are able to trust you and feel respected, they are more likely to open up and share their thoughts and feelings. They may also be more likely to follow your instructions.

In this article, we will discuss the principles you should follow when establishing a companionship with the elderly. You’ll learn why some elderly have trouble trusting other people, and how you can show that you are genuinely trustworthy.  If you want to be a quality in home caregiver in Beverly Hills or elsewhere, then it is important to understand these concepts. Read on to learn more!

How do you build good relationships with seniors?

There are several principles upon which you should build a good relationship with your senior relative or client: 

  • Regular communication

You should make an effort to communicate with your seniors on a regular basis. This could involve having conversations, exchanging letters or emails, or even just checking in via phone or text message. The important thing is that you make an effort to stay in touch and keep them updated on what’s going on. For caregivers, it’s worth noting that you should enable them to freely communicate with you, with their family members and friends.

  • Respect

It’s important to always show respect for your senior relative or client. This includes things like listening to them, being tactful, patient, and avoiding arguments. Even if you don’t agree with them, it’s important to treat them with respect. This will turn into mutual respect over time, as they will start treating you as a genuine companion. 

  • Compassion 

One of the most important qualities in a caregiver is compassion. This means being understanding and empathizing with what your senior is going through. They may be dealing with a lot of changes and challenges, and it’s important to be there for them.

How do you make the elderly trust you? 

This might seem to be a difficult task. However, this is largely due to the stereotype that most seniors are distrustful or stubborn. While there might be some truth to that, it’s important to understand that every person is an individual with unique needs and quirks. This is why you should approach them with patience and genuine interest, in order to truly understand them. 

Why do some elderly have trouble trusting other people? 

There are a number of reasons why some seniors might have trouble trusting other people: 

  • They may have had negative experiences in the past: Unfortunately, many seniors have had bad experiences with other people. This could be due to things like being taken advantage of, being ignored, or feeling like they’re not listened to. As a result, they may be skeptical or afraid of unknown people.
  • They may be dealing with a lot of changes: Seniors often have to deal with a lot of changes in their lives, such as retirement, the death of loved ones, or declining health. These changes can be very stressful and overwhelming, and they may make seniors feel like they’re not in control. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and mistrust.
  • They may be feeling isolated: Many seniors feel isolated and lonely, especially if they live alone or if their family members and friends live very far away. This isolation can make them feel like they can’t trust other people or that they can’t relate to them.
How can you prove to the elderly that you are worthy of their trust? 

How can you prove to the elderly that you are worthy of their trust? 

If you want to be someone that seniors can trust, there are a few things you can do: 

  • Be honest: It’s important to always be honest with seniors. This includes being truthful about your qualifications, your experience, and your intentions.
  • Keep your promises: If you say you’re going to do something, make sure you follow through. This could be something as simple as showing up on time or keeping your word about a task you said you would do.
  • Respect their privacy:   It’s important to respect seniors’ privacy and confidentiality. This includes things like not sharing their personal information without their permission.
  • Be consistent:  It’s important to be consistent in your behavior and actions. This means that seniors can turn to you for a much-needed sense of stability and safety.
  • Be patient:  Many seniors need extra time to make decisions or process information. It’s important to be patient and give them the time they need.
  • Be a good listener:  One of the best ways to show that you care is to simply listen. This means really listening, without interrupting or judging. seniors want to know that you’re interested in what they have to say.
  • Be respectful: It’s important to always show respect for seniors. This includes things like listening to them, being tactful, avoiding confrontations. This way, you’ll also pave the way for them to feel empowered and confident
  • Be compassionate: One of the most important qualities in a caregiver is compassion. This means being understanding and empathizing with what your senior is going through. They may be dealing with a lot of changes and challenges, and it’s important to be there for them.

Where can I find the best in home Caregivers in Beverly Hills and the vicinity? 

Where can I find the best in home Caregivers in Beverly Hills and the vicinity? 

If you’re looking for trustworthy and compassionate professionals in Beverly Hills, A Better Way in Home Care can help. The caregivers we refer you to have extensive experience with supporting the elderly in residential care. 

They will assist your senior relative with a number of daily tasks:  providing transportation to doctor’s appointments, helping with light housekeeping, preparing meals, personal hygiene and grooming, and many more. Most importantly, they will provide the companionship and emotional support that your loved one needs. 

Contact us today to find out more about our services and tell us everything about your needs. We’ll find a perfect person to take care of your aging loved one!


8 Ways to Empower the Elderly in Home Care

What does empowerment mean for the elderly?

Most people would like to imagine themselves living an independent and relatively worry-free life as they age. As you can imagine, this is largely dependent on how you organized your life, how well you earned before retiring, your general health, and a variety of other factors. Nevertheless, you can but hope that you don’t end up in a nursery home or relying on support from your spouse, relatives, or your community. 

If you or your aging relative live in Beverly Hills, you can put your faith in reputable in home caregivers to step into your shoes and help you out in times of need. Regardless of how you accommodate your elderly, the question remains: how can you help them overcome their feelings of weakness and frailty? Read on to learn how to help the elderly feel empowered.

What does empowerment mean for the elderly?

Living life as an elderly person can be difficult. You may feel frail and weak like you can’t do the things you used to. It can be difficult for the elderly to feel self-sufficient when they often find themselves in a position of dependence. 

Relying on others can greatly help if they are worried about their safety. However, to a certain degree, they can feel as if they’re robbed of their dignity. What is a true example of empowering someone in need of help? 

What is an example of empowerment?

Empowerment can be defined as  the ability to do something for oneself. It is taking control and making decisions without depending on others. At a younger age, the example of empowerment is: getting a job, being able to drive, or learning to cook. For certain disenfranchised group, empowerment has even more meanings. For the elderly, it may be as simple as:

  • Making choices about their daily routine
  • Being consulted before changes are made to their care plan
  • Being given the opportunity to do things for themselves whenever possible
  • Having a voice in decisions that affect them

How does empowerment relate to elderly resilience? 

While  empowerment is more about taking control and making decisions, resilience is the ability to adapt to change and bounce back from difficult situations. Empowering the elderly can help them to feel resilient in the face of difficulties. When they feel like they have a say in what happens to them, they are more likely to be able to cope with changes.

What is empowerment and disempowerment in aged care?

Senior care assistance can be carried out in different contexts and can come at a certain cost for one’s feeling of independence, competence, and free will.  In some cases, it may be necessary for safety reasons. However, it is important to consider how this will affect the elderly person’s sense of self. 

Aged care that is empowering will seek to promote the independence of the elderly person as much as possible. On the other hand, disempowering aged care takes away choices and decision-making from the elderly person. It can make them feel like they are a burden, and that their opinions don’t matter.

How can empowerment be facilitated when providing support?

How can empowerment be facilitated when providing support?

There are many ways you can help your elderly client, parent, or relative feel empowered when you support them. Here are eight ways you can achieve this goal: 

  1. Tackle ageism together

Reframing old age is key to entering the process of empowerment.  You can do this by challenging the negative attitudes and stereotypes that exist about old age. Instead of viewing it as something negative, you can embrace it as a natural process that can be experienced in a productive and welcoming manner. 

  1. Acknowledge their expertise

The elderly are often not given enough credit for their years of experience. Acknowledge what they know and ask for their advice. This will help them feel valued and respected.

  1. Use empowering language

The way you talk to and about the elderly person can either empower or disempower them. Make an effort to use language that is positive and respectful. This way, you’ll earn their trust and respect, and remind them of their self-worth. 

  1. Promote inclusion

Social isolation is a big problem for the elderly. You can help them feel included by promoting social activities and opportunities for connection.

Where in Beverly Hills can I hire experienced and dependable in home caregivers?
  1. Help them stay connected

Technology can be a great way for the elderly to stay connected with the world. Help them to set up social media accounts, video call their friends and family, or find online groups that share their interests. This way, they won’t miss out, and will feel like they have a purposeful life.

  1. Encourage self-care

Self-care is important for everyone, but it can be even more vital for the elderly. Help them to find ways to take care of themselves that work for them. This could include things like exercise, relaxation, and healthy eating.

  1. Make everyday routines simple

Many everyday tasks can become more difficult as we age. You can help by breaking down tasks into simpler steps, or by helping them to find ways to make their lives easier.

  1. Support their hobbies and interests

Helping elderly people to pursue their hobbies and interests is a great way to empower them. This can give them a sense of purpose and help them to feel more connected to the world.

Where in Beverly Hills can I hire experienced and dependable in home caregivers?

Here at A Better Way in Home Care, we have a team that can match you with some of the most dedicated and trustworthy Caregivers in your area. It doesn’t matter if they live around Rodeo Drive or elsewhere in Beverly Hills: we can help you accomplish a range of household tasks and make your everyday life easier. Whether your elderly relative needs help with grooming, light cleaning, taking medication, seeing the doctor, or other daily activities, you can count on us. 

Call us today and we’ll gladly match you with someone!


Helping Elderly With Hearing Problems: 4 Tips

How do you communicate with an elderly person who is hard of hearing?

Do you have an elderly loved one who is having trouble hearing? It can be difficult trying to communicate with them if they don’t hear you well. You may be wondering what you can do to help. Don’t worry – you are not alone. Many families in West Los Angeles and beyond face this same issue each year. Fortunately, experts in senior care know how to help you make communication easier and improve the living conditions of your elderly loved one. 

Let’s discuss how to deal with common challenges of hearing impairment in elderly and resistance to using hearing aids. Let’s get started!

How do you communicate with an elderly person who is hard of hearing?

There are a few things that you can do to help the elderly with hearing problems. When you start noticing that they have an issue with hearing, follow these tips: 

How can I help the elderly with hearing problems?
  • Speak one at a time – When you are talking to someone who has difficulty hearing, make sure that you speak one at a time. This will help them focus on what you are saying and they will be less likely to get confused.
  • Face the person – When you are speaking to them, make sure that you face them directly. This will help them see your
  • Speak clearly and loudly – Make sure that you speak clearly and loudly. This will help them hear you better, especially if they are in a noisy environment.
  • Use visual cues and notes – Do this whenever possible. This can include pointing to what you are saying or using facial expressions.
  • Don’t shout  – Yelling will only make it harder for the elderly person to hear you, as you’ll change the frequency of your voice, and your facial expression can be misinterpreted as anger or frustration.
  • Repeat yourself – If the person didn’t hear you the first time, make sure to repeat yourself. This will help them understand what you are saying.
  • Rephrase your statement or question –  This is a great way to get the elderly person’s attention and ensure that they are following the conversation.
  • Let them choose how to communicate –  Some elderly people may feel more comfortable communicating in a certain way. Let them choose how they want to communicate with you. This could include written notes, sign language, or lip reading.
  • Be patient – allow them enough time and show that you care in more than just words, this way they will feel less isolated and misunderstood. This way, you’ll be able to support them in keeping their everyday routine and help them with other tasks. 

How can I help the elderly with hearing problems?

Besides knowing how to communicate with your loved one after hearing issues occur, there are other ways that you can help them lead a normal life, despite the disability. 

Take them to an audiologist appointment 

This is a great way to find out what type of hearing aids would work best for them and to get a professional’s opinion. The audiologist will also be able to help them with hearing loss rehabilitation.

Invest in quality hearing aids

If the elderly person decides to get a hearing aid, make sure that you invest in quality ones. This is important. If they don’t hear well with the first pair of hearing aids, they may become frustrated, giving up on them altogether.

Do home modifications   

When the elderly person is trying to focus on a conversation, make sure that there is not a lot of noise in the background. This will make it difficult for them to hear what you are saying. If they live beside a noisy street, consider installing quality windows or sound isolation.

If the elderly person lives in your home, you can do some modifications to make it easier for them to hear. This includes turning up the volume on the TV, adding soundproofing material to walls, and installing visual alarm systems. If they don’t hear the doorbell, they will be able to see  the light flashing.

Educate yourself and others about hearing loss 

It’s important that you educate yourself and others about hearing loss. This will help them understand what the elderly person is going through and how they can help make communication easier. This way, you’ll be able to address other concerns as well, such as the issue of poor mobility in old age or oral and dental hygiene issues.

What if the senior resists using hearing aids?

If your loved one resists using a hearing aid, don’t give up! There are many ways that you can work with them to make sure that they are getting the most out of their hearing aid. Don’t try to force them, as you’ll just encounter more resistance. Here’s how you can convince them:

What if the senior resists using hearing aids?
  • Listen to them closely – this is something that hearing doctors often forget and you, as their caregiver, need to allow the seniors address their concerns
  • Let them drive the conversation – the best way to convince a senior to wear hearing aids is by allowing him or her to do the talking and discover that this is the best option
  • Use easily comprehensible visual aids – Proper visibility can go a long way and help seniors who are hearing impaired use visual cues to better understand what is being said to them. 
  • Get support from other family members – sometimes, you simply don’t have enough power, and it’s useful to invite other family members to help you out and serve as advocate for the cause. The elderly will know that you’re doing this in their best interest. 

Where in West Los Angeles, CA can I find experienced professionals in senior care?

When you’re looking for reputable and experienced experts that can aid your aging loved one in West Los Angeles, you don’t have to look far. A Better Way in Home Care is there to help you reach the support that you need. With our pool of vetted and professional Caregivers, you can be sure that your elderly relative is getting the care they need and deserve. It doesn’t matter if they live in Beverlywood or elsewhere in West LA, we’re always at your beck and call!

Call us today and we’ll match you with the most suitable Caregiver.


Mobility in Elderly Home Care: Tips for a Better Life

Did you know that mobility is one of the most important aspects of elderly health? It’s not just about getting around, but also about maintaining independence and preventing conditions like immobility-related diseases. 

In this article, you’ll learn more about the effects of low mobility. Also, you’ll find out ways to increase functional mobility in seniors. For efficient solutions for caregivers who want to help their elderly loved ones live a better life, learn from West Los Angeles experts in home care. Read on!

Why is mobility so important for elderly?

The ability to move freely is key to a good quality of life, especially as you age. When you can no longer walk, stand up, or sit down as easily as you once could, your health and wellbeing start to decline. Functional mobility serves the following purposes:

Why is mobility so important for elderly?
  • It keeps them healthy. Mobility is essential for good health and helps prevent conditions such as immobility-related diseases.
  • It keeps them socially engaged. With good mobility, seniors can stay active and engaged in life, doing the things they love without restrictions.
  • It makes them feel independent. Being able to take care of yourself and live life on your own terms is crucial to a positive mental state. 

How can seniors increase their functional mobility?

There are many ways for seniors to increase their functional mobility. The following are some tips that caregivers can use to help their elderly loved ones:

There are many ways for seniors to increase their functional mobility. The following are some tips that caregivers can use to help their elderly loved ones:

Encourage exercise

Get seniors moving as often as possible. This can be done through light workouts, walking, and even dancing. Make it fun – If movement is enjoyable, seniors are more likely to stick with it. Try incorporating their favorite activities into their mobility routine. 

Promote independence

Assist seniors in doing things for themselves whenever possible. This will help them maintain their independence and boost their confidence. 

Adjust their living space

When necessary, make small adjustments to the home environment in order to help seniors with mobility issues. This might include:

  • adding grab bars in the shower, 
  • installing a raised toilet seat,  
  • widening doorways,
  • adjusting the height of cupboards and door handles
  • installing ramps or stair lifts

Choose the right walking aid

If a senior needs help getting around, choosing the right walking aid is essential. There are many different types of aids to choose from, so it’s important to find the one that best suits the individual’s needs.

Enhance balance and stability

Many seniors find that improving their balance and stability helps them become more mobile. This can be done by removing unstable rugs, installing anti-slip surfaces, or by using a walking aid that provides extra support. In addition, you can encourage exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi that enhance balance. 

Promote a healthy diet

A healthy diet and good nutrition are essential for seniors with mobility issues. Eating a balanced diet helps the body to function at its best, keeping muscles strong and bones healthy. Scientific studies have also shown that there’s an association between low micronutrient intake and poor mobility in the elderly.

How do you assist seniors with a mobility problem?

There are many ways to assist your elderly relative or client that has trouble moving. As with any other type of physical limitation, you need to allow them time and offer a helping hand. You may need to: 

Who can we count in West Los Angeles for advanced home care?

If you are looking for reliable and professional elderly home care in West Los Angeles, look no further! Here at A Better Way in Home Care, we can match you with professional Caregivers that are stringently screened and qualified to provide high-quality in-home care to seniors of all ages and abilities. This way, you can ensure that they can live safely and comfortably in their own homes. 

Whether your elderly relative lives in Westside or anywhere else in LA County, our expert Caregivers will be happy to assist you!


Promoting Oral Hygiene in Senior Care 101

Experts agree that regular oral hygiene in seniors is one of the most important health aspects. Unfortunately, many elderly people do not take care of their teeth and gums as they should, which can lead to a host of problems. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some ways caregivers can promote oral hygiene in senior care. 

Let’s discuss why it’s important to visit the dentist in old age and what are the consequences of poor oral hygiene. Whether you’re looking to hire professional home care in West Los Angeles, or caring of your loved one yourself, keep reading to learn more!

What is oral hygiene in aged care?

What is oral hygiene in aged care?

When it comes to regular oral hygiene, there’s no big difference between age groups. This usually involves the following:  

  • Brushing teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste 
  • Flossing every day 
  • Seeing the dentist regularly (at least once every six months) 

However, there are some points that are unique for dental and oral hygiene in seniors, so caregivers should keep them in mind: 

  • There may be a need for more than two brushings per day, due to receding gum tissue exposed root canals, or similar issues. 
  • Some seniors experience difficulties with brushing teeth properly due to arthritis or poor vision. In these cases, it is important for caregivers to assist in brushing teeth correctly at least twice a day. 
  • Some medications can cause dry mouth, which can lead to increased tooth decay. It is important to discuss any medications with the elderly person’s dentist to see if there are ways to combat this side effect. 
  • Memory loss is another factor that can cause complications, especially if regular brushing and flossing isn’t a part of a strong routine. 
  • Poor nutrition, smoking, and other unhealthy habits can further hinder dental health
  • Old crowns, fillings, or dental implants need to be checked and replaced after a while
  • It is important for caregivers to take seniors to the dentist regularly, as many dental problems can be easily treated if caught early.

Why is oral hygiene important in the elderly?

Why is oral hygiene important in the elderly?

It goes without saying that maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for seniors. Studies have shown that poor oral health is directly and indirectly linked to a variety of problems, including:

  • dental cavities
  • gum disease
  • cardiovascular issues
  • stroke
  • some types of cancer
  • diabetes
  • osteoporosis
  • respiratory infections
  • rheumatoid arthritis

Did you know that tooth decay and gum disease are the two most common chronic diseases in seniors? In fact, almost 90% of all adults over the age of 65 have had some form of tooth decay. This is why it’s so important for caregivers to promote oral hygiene in senior care.

Now, how can you promote dental and oral health to your elderly patient or loved one? Here are a couple of ideas that caregivers can implement: 

  • Develop strong routines that involve oral hygiene as a part of daily grooming
  • Encourage the elderly person to brush their teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and at night. If they are having difficulty brushing properly due to impaired movement, offer to help them. 
  • Make sure they are using fluoride-based toothpaste. 
  • Help them floss their teeth every day. 
  • Encourage them to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. 
  • Talk to their dentist or doctor about ways to combat side effects of some medication that could cause dry mouth, or interfere with substances used in the treatment. 

How often should seniors have their teeth cleaned?

How often should seniors have their teeth cleaned?

The American Dental Association recommends visiting the dentist at least twice a year, and this applies to people of all ages. This allows for tartar removal and cleaning to prevent complications. However, some seniors may require more visits than that, especially if they are experiencing severe pain, chronic discomfort, or exhibiting any other indications that would necessitate an emergency dental visit.

As a caregiver, you shouldn’t ignore signs that your senior is in pain. You may also need to encourage them to talk about their current problem. If your senior has hearing loss or impairment, you’ll need to set up an appointment for them. Also, your duty will be to drive them to the dentist’s office.

Who can we count on for qualified home care in West Los Angeles and beyond? 

Whether your elderly loved ones are living in Little Ethiopia or anywhere else in West LA, you can rely on A Better Way in Home Care. We have ample experience with matching the most reliable and qualified Caregivers with local families. The experts we work with can assist with a number of daily tasks, and help your loved one lead a healthy, pleasant, and fulfilling life while aging in place. 

With their help, you’ll also save precious time and energy for other family and career commitments. Feel free to contact us today to discuss your needs and requirements!


How to Help Seniors with Everyday Routines

Daily routines can seem like something we take for granted, but they play an indispensable role in old age. Keeping a healthy everyday pace and taking care about how they look and dress is something that some seniors tend to neglect, which indicates a need for a helping hand. If not treated properly, this can soon become a hurdle for their family members and cause the elderly to feel like a burden. How can you help them take care of themselves and lead a satisfying life?

Fortunately, professionals who provide dedicated homecare across West Los Angeles can give you straightforward answers. If you wish to learn some of their most useful tips for aiding the elderly, continue reading!

Why is grooming important for elderly?

Why is grooming important for elderly?

In the context of assisted living, taking care of grooming and dress is equally important as taking regular medication. Feelings of social isolation are prevalent among elderly people. It can lead to loss of self-esteem, social withdrawal, and self-neglect, so it’s important to remind them that they still have a role to play. 

One of the most common issues that seniors face is a lack of interest in personal grooming and taking care of their appearance. This can be caused by several factors, including poor vision, dementia, arthritis, or depression. While it may not seem like a big deal at first, soon enough it will start to take a toll on their mental well-being and physical health. It should be addressed from the very start to prevent further negative consequences. 

How do you groom an elderly patient?

How do you groom an elderly patient?

The elderly may need assistance with a variety of daily grooming tasks, such as: 

Some of these tasks may require the help of a caregiver or family member, while others can be done with the aid of special products and equipment designed for seniors who age in place. For example:

  • electric toothbrushes with extra-soft bristles and specialized flossers
  • long-handled bathing sponges that make it easier to reach all parts of the body
  • shower seats and benches
  • bath lifts
  • raised toilet seats
  • portable commodes and vanity tables

There are a few things that you can do to encourage your loved ones to stay looking their best, even as they age: 

  1. Include plenty of mirrors in their home. This will give them the opportunity to check themselves regularly and improve self-care and awareness of their look. 
  2. Make grooming a fun and positive experience by chatting or playing music while you help them with tasks such as shaving, applying makeup, or doing their hair.
  3. Don’t be afraid to hire professional in-home care services if you need an extra set of hands.

How do you help an elderly patient dress? 

How do you help an elderly patient dress? 

Keep in mind that dressing will involve a whole new set of responsibilities and potential challenges to the elderly. Dressing is challenging for the elderly who face issues with movement due to chronic pain or disability. For example, those who are wheelchair-bound will need help getting in and out of clothes, while those with dementia or motor impairment may forget how to dress altogether.

The best way to help an elderly patient dress is to take your time and be patient. Of course, this isn’t always easy. For instance, if you need to encourage them to use hearing aids, you’ll probably face some resistance with other tasks. 

Help them choose clothing that is both comfortable and stylish, and make sure that all items are easy to put on and take off. If possible, try to involve them in the process as much as possible so that they can still feel like they have some control over their appearance.

Where can I find more information about companies that provide expert homecare in West Los Angeles?

Taking care of your elderly loved ones is an important responsibility that should not be taken lightly. A well-groomed elderly person will feel more confident and have a better outlook on life. However, if you’re overwhelmed with everyday responsibilities, you don’t want to be left feeling like you’re neglecting your loved one. If you’re living in Rancho Park or anywhere else in West Los Angeles area, reach out to A Better Way in Home Care. We’ll gladly connect you to someone who’d be eager to assist with everyday tasks. With our help, your senior relatives can continue looking and feeling their best – no matter what age they are! Call us today and let us match you with the best Caregiver.


Playing Games in Advanced Age: Staying Engaged

Do the elderly play games?

When it comes to home care for the elderly, one of the most important activities that caregivers can encourage is playing games. Boardgames, card games, and even video games can help keep elderly adults engaged and mentally stimulated. This is not only fun for them, but also has a number of health benefits that can improve their overall quality of life. 

Let’s explore some of the reasons why play is so beneficial for seniors, and shed light on examples of good games that caregivers can use to keep the elderly entertained. Whether you’ve already found someone in Encino that provides professional home care, or you’re catering to the needs of your loved one yourself, read on!

Do the elderly play games?

Now, it’s obvious that seniors do play games, but should they, and why? Now, you’re probably familiar with an image of senior patients playing board games and puzzles in nursing homes. There are a number of reasons behind this, and it’s not only to make the time pass.  

Someone said that the secret of wisdom is to carry the spirit of the child into old age. This involves keeping the level of enthusiasm high and making sure that there’s something enjoyable to look forward to each day. This is why any well-designed elderly care plan should include mentally stimulating activities, and games are a perfect example. 

Are board games good for the elderly?

Are board games good for the elderly?

It’s no secret that playtime and hobbies are a great way to keep the mind engaged, at any age. This is especially important in the elderly, who can face cognitive decline as time goes by. There’s also a range of other advantages that it brings: 

  • Games promote mental fitness. Playing games can help improve memory, focus, and problem-solving skills.
  • Games stimulate socialization. Games serve a great role in enriching the everyday routine. This is important for elderly adults who may not have many opportunities to interact with people their own age. 
  • Games help ward off depression and anxiety. They don’t only serve as distractions from every day worries. Seniors can establish certain games as weekly or daily rituals, which promote resilience to stress, anxiety, and depression. 
  • Games promote a higher quality of life. Staying mentally sharp, optimistic, and curious into old age makes the elderly more motivated and eager to put their effort into spending their days in a fulfilling manner.  

What are some good games for seniors? 

There are a number of different types of board games that are perfect for seniors. Here are some examples:

  • Word and logic puzzles like Scrabble, Sudoku or Jenga 
  • Card games such as bridge, poker, or gin rummy 
  • Strategy games such as chess, checkers, or backgammon 
  • Trivia games like Jeopardy! or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 
  • Classic board games like Monopoly, Candyland, or Clue 

Can seniors benefit from playing video games? 

Although it might seem a bit funny at first, there’s nothing wrong with seeing your elderly loved one playing their favorite game on a PC, console, iPad, or another device. After all, computer games have been there for over four decades, so it’s not really something we should associate with the young population exclusively. 

Of course, spending too much time in front of the screen isn’t good for anyone, but a moderate amount of brain-stimulating games can do wonders. Combine that with healthy physical exercise, and you’ll have a packed daily schedule that will keep you active. Elderly people enjoy playing:

  • Logic games like Portal or The Witness 
  • Adventure games like Uncharted or Tomb Raider 
  • Strategy games like Civilization or Age of Empires 
  • Casino games like blackjack, poker, and roulette 
Can seniors benefit from playing video games? 

Our aging loved one in Encino, CA needs reliable home care. Who can we call? 

It’s clear that you want only the best for your elderly loved one, so imagine having someone to accompany them on relaxing walks to Los Encino State Historic Park. Fortunately, you don’t have to look far to find an ideal match!

A Better Way in Home Care is happy to assist by connecting you with the most reliable, motivated, and qualified Caregivers in your vicinity. They will gladly assist your loved one with everyday tasks, including personal hygiene and dressing, meal preparation, taking medication watering plants, doing light housework, helping with their beloved pets, and driving them to doctor’s appointments. 

Give us a call today to find out more about our services and our Caregivers!


8 Benefits of Pet Ownership in the Elderly

Do pets help older people live happier and longer?

It’s a known truth that owning a pet can be a rewarding experience for people of all ages. Pets provide us with companionship, love, and affection – something that is often missing in our fast-paced lives. But what about seniors? Can the elderly still enjoy the benefits of pet ownership? Absolutely!

However, some seniors may find it difficult to care for a pet on their own. That’s where home care can help! When you hire professional assistance for your senior relative in Encino, or elsewhere in California, they can help them take care of their pets and enjoy their company. Let’s see how pets can benefit the elderly in a variety of ways.

Do pets help older people live happier and longer?

Having a pet definitely helps people to feel better.  In fact, one study found that pet owners over the age of 65 had a 36% lower risk of heart attack than those who didn’t own pets. This may be due to the fact that owning a pet provides a sense of purpose and companionship, which are both crucial for seniors. 

In addition to reducing the risk of heart attack, pets can also help seniors live longer. One study found that senior dog owners an average of 22% longer than those who didn’t own dogs. This may be due to the fact that owning a pet gets people out and about, which is crucial for elderly individuals who often have a harder time getting around. 

What are the benefits of pet ownership for the elderly? 

What are the benefits of pet ownership for the elderly? 

There are many benefits of pet ownership for seniors that you should consider. It brings the following advantages:

  • Companionship. Most people fondly recall moments from their childhood when they played with their first puppy or kitten. This is especially heartwarming for seniors. Besides reliving childhood memories, they get to share their time and space with a friend that won’t abandon them. 
  • Emotional support. While pets don’t speak and we don’t really have a way to tell on which level they “understand” what we’re talking, this unspoken emotional comfort is known to provide much-needed warmth and happiness to seniors. 
  • Purpose and meaning. Retirement is difficult due to a loss of a professional role. Other challenges of advanced age only add up to the burden, such as bereavement and loneliness. Having a pet can restore a sense of purpose and belonging, and keep seniors cognitively engaged.
  • Pets can help get people out and about. Whether they’re walking their furry friends or taking them to special events with you, the elderly can have an additional reason to remain physically active and to socialize.
  • Reduced level of stress. Studies have shown that the elderly who have owned a pet cope better with stressful situations. 
  • Lower blood pressure. This is an interesting point, as pet owners have on average lower blood pressure, which is a sign of better cardiovascular health.
  • Better sleep. Certain pets bring a feeling of tranquility to the life of their owners. Cat purring on a sofa next to your bed or a puppy curled underneath your feet can be so soothing that you’ll have no problem falling asleep.
  • Better self-esteem. Owning a pet helps seniors keep their confidence and self-esteem on high levels. They will wake up feeling happy and proud of their pet. 

How can we assist seniors with pets? 

If your senior relative owns a pet or wants to adopt a pet, there are some things that you can do to help make the experience easier and truly enriching. Here are a few tips:

  • Assist with feeding the pet. Help them buy appropriate food and give them fresh water on a daily basis. 
  • Help walk and play with the pet. Keep in mind: you’re just making sure nothing does wrong while the senior is walking the pet. 
  • Monitor the pet’s health together. Consult with the owner to see when you should take the pet to the vet for checkups and vaccinations.
  • Help the senior clean up after the pet. Try to make this task accessible to seniors, or carry it out yourself, if they have trouble walking.
  • Check the safety of pet houses, aquariums, cages, litter boxes, feeders, and other pet equipment. Older people often find it very difficult to check and clean these, so they’ll definitely need an extra hand. 
How can we assist seniors with pets? 

Where can I find reliable and pet-friendly homecare in Encino, CA? 

If your elderly relative needs assistance in everyday activities, including taking care of their pets, A Better Way in Home Care is happy to help. We can connect you with the most experienced and trustworthy Caregivers in Encino and elsewhere in Los Angeles County

Caregivers we refer are capable of helping seniors with a variety of daily tasks, from grooming, dressing, meal preparation, and helping with taking care of their pets and plants. They can provide assistance in playing a variety of brain-stimulating games and can create and follow tailored care plans to make sure your loved ones get the attention they deserve. 

If you’re interested in our services, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We would be happy to discuss our services with you and answer any questions you may have.


A Guide to Creating an Elderly Care Plan

When your elderly relative in Encino is in need of professional homecare, what you need is to have a clear and comprehensive plan. This is necessary for a number of reasons, which involve preserving the sense of autonomy in the elderly, their wellbeing, and their active social role. This can be achieved when following professional caregiver guidelines

To learn more about this and bring your seniors the quality of life they deserve, keep reading!

Why is a care plan for the elderly important? 

Why is a care plan for the elderly important? 

Writing a detailed care plan for your elderly relative can take some time but it will be well worth it. It has a number of advantages to you and the elderly: 

  • you’ll be better prepared when making decisions regarding your loved one’s needs
  • you’ll have everything at hand to answer questions from medical staff, other professionals, and family members
  • it ensures everyone involved knows what to expect which prevents confusion

The more details, the easier planning becomes whether this means clarifying specific tasks, providing detailed timetables, or communicating expectations on certain topics, such as care hours, frequency, etc.

How to create a comprehensive care plan for the elderly?

When creating a care plan for elderly loved ones in a non-medical context, there are several key points to keep in mind. Here are seven essentials:

  1. Goals and objectives 

Establishing clear goals and objectives is essential. What do you hope to accomplish with the care plan? Are there specific tasks or activities that need to be carried out on a daily basis? What medical conditions require treatment and monitoring? Defining your goals will help you create a more effective plan.

  1. Considering limits and strengths

Caregivers should have a good understanding of their elderly loved one’s physical capabilities and limitations. This includes knowing how much assistance is needed for activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming. It’s also important to be aware of any potential health risks, such as falls or medication interactions.

  1. Tailored plan 

A care plan should be tailored to the individual, taking into account their unique personality, preferences, and lifestyle. For example, some elderly people prefer to live independently as long as possible, while others may need more assistance and supervision. Make sure to take their personal preferences into account. For example, you can consider their pets when making the plan.

  1. Daily activities
How to create a comprehensive care plan for the elderly?

The care plan should include a schedule of daily activities and tasks that need to be completed. This will help ensure that all important duties are taken care of on a regular basis. This should include a list of essential activities, as well as means to socialize and enrich their everyday life. For example, it can include playing board games with family members or friends.

  1. Track changes

Caregivers should keep track of any changes in the elderly loved one’s condition or routine so that they can make necessary adjustments to the plan as needed. This includes watching for signs of illness or cognitive decline and updating the setting regularly. You should be in close contact with their doctor, to make sure that they are following up as well. 

  1. Communication is key

The care plan should be shared with all involved parties, including family members, healthcare providers, and any other caregivers. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and can work together to provide the best possible care for elderly loved ones.

  1. Regular updates

Finally, it’s important to review and update the plan regularly, as conditions may change over time. The goal is to create a document that is reflective of current needs and provides the most effective level of care possible.

Creating a comprehensive care plan for elderly loved ones can seem daunting at first, but following these seven steps will help get you started on the right foot. With careful planning and teamwork, your seniors will enjoy a safe, healthy, and rewarding life.

Where in Encino can I book reliable homecare for my elderly relative? 

Where in Encino can I book reliable homecare for my elderly relative? 

When you need to hire someone who has the experience, positive track record, and a client-focused attitude to cater to the needs of your aging family member, you don’t want to make shortcuts. Fortunately, for residents of Encino, it’s not so difficult!

Here at A Better Way in Home Care, we boast a team of Caregivers that can assist in a number of ways, from everyday household tasks, personal hygiene, and grooming, to taking your relatives to see their doctor at Encino Hospital Medical Center, or elsewhere in LA. 

For peace of mind, and enhanced quality of life, give us a call today, and we’ll make sure to find a perfect match!


7 Life-Enriching Activities for Seniors

Most people are aware that aging is a natural process, but not everyone understands the challenges that come with it. Loneliness and isolation are major problems for elderly people. They may need to deal with the loss of loved ones and social circles, and feel disconnected from society as they age. This is why it’s so important to give them opportunities to engage in meaningful activities

Instead of sending them to isolated nursery homes, many families consider hiring professional home care. For example, residents of Encino book such services to cater to the needs of their loved ones on a daily basis. Expert caregivers know the value of enrichment activities and the benefits they bring to the lives of their clients. 

Read on to find out more about this topic. 

What are life enrichment programs? 

What are life enrichment programs? 

Life enrichment programs are designed to improve the overall quality of life. These can be held in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, assisted living facilities, and in-home treatments. They aim to support and improve social, physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. In most cases, these activities allow seniors to engage with others and enjoy certain benefits that they would not have access to otherwise. These include

  • Fostering an active lifestyle 
  • Stronger social relationships
  • Enhanced cognitive health

What types of enrichment programs are there? 

There are many life enrichment programs that can be beneficial for elderly people. Some of the most common examples include: 

Socialization programs

Social isolation is one of the key factors that lead to a decrease in the quality of life for seniors. Socialization programs provide a way for them to meet other people and interact in a positive setting. 

This can be done through group activities, such as meet-ups, community events, or by providing opportunities for socializing with others online. Seniors can participate in a variety of games, including board games, which can have a huge positive impact on their cognitive health

Artistic expression programs

Engaging in artistic expression has been shown to have a variety of benefits for seniors, such as improving moods, reducing stress levels, and providing an outlet for creativity. Artistic expression programs can take many different forms, such as painting classes, pottery workshops, or choir rehearsals.

Excitement and stimulation programs

Living a sedentary lifestyle can lead to boredom and a lack of excitement in elderly people’s lives. These programs provide opportunities for seniors to be active and engaged, which can improve their moods and overall wellbeing. These activities can include going on field trips, learning new skills, or participating in social events.

How to enrich the life of an elderly person? 

How to enrich the life of an elderly person? 

As a family member or an in-house caregiver, you can try out several things to enrich your seniors’ life. You should offer access to a variety of activities. For instance:

  1. Accompany them on the trips, or invite friends over for dinner so they don’t get lonesome at home! It is important to encourage seniors to be active members of society who engage with their loved ones and participate in events such as birthdays and weddings. Also, they can pay visits to local senior homes and interact with their peers.
  2. Encourage creativity through classes, workshops, and courses every month. This could help them come out from their shell since it allows them to use imagination. Not only is this fun and exciting, but it can also be therapeutic.
  3. Promote lifelong learning by giving access to the internet, books, or magazines on different topics. This helps keep their minds active while they are not working; in fact, studies have shown that learning new things could help delay memory decline.
  4. Encourage physical activity even if your elderly person is reluctant to try it out at first. It’s important for them to get up and about every day, especially if they’re feeling down. Physical activity releases endorphins which improve moods and promote a sense of well-being. Take them to Los Encinos State Historic Park to enjoy the day in the sun 
  5. Help them with their pets and plants.  This may seem like a small thing, but it can go a long way in improving their overall moods. Pets are good companions for the elderly, as they can provide feelings of acceptance and affection. Also, taking care of their garden, house plants, and pets, gives them a sense of purpose.
  6. Create daily routines for them to follow so they know what’s expected of them each day. These planned routines should promote feelings of autonomy, not something that is imposed upon them.  This can include everything from 

There you have it – five easy ways to enrich the lives of elderly people! What will you do today to make your loved ones happy?

Where can I find professional home care in Encino?

Where can I find professional home care in Encino?

Seniors and their families in Encino need not worry! Here at A Better Way in Home Care, we can match you with empathetic, experienced, and trustworthy Caregivers. With their attention to detail, resourcefulness, and resilience, you can be sure that the day of your elderly relative will be truly rewarding and full of various activities. 

Our Caregivers can assist with a number of everyday tasks, from getting dressed, taking medication, watering plants, doing light housekeeping tasks, driving them to their medical appointments, and creating and following ongoing care plans. 

Contact us today to reap the many benefits of our services!
