How to Inspire Senior Loved Ones to Start Exercising
In our previous blogs, we talked about your senior loved ones’ health. And while we are quick to give advice such as modify your diet or exercise more with the…
Helping Seniors Exercise Their Way to Better Health
We’ve all been told that taking care of ourselves is extremely important. What we eat, our routine and our physical condition directly define our quality of life. The same goes…
Dietary Changes for Seniors towards a Better Life
Any health expert will tell you that there are two steps to living a better life: exercise and a healthy diet. This becomes especially important as we grow older and rings…
Live-In Home Care in Venice: When Regular Care is not enough
There are two distinct types of caregiver situations: the most common one where caregiver tends to a senior one but lives in their own residence and the one where the…
A Guide to Organizing Your Senior’s Home
Aging in place has many benefits as we have previously discussed. If you senior loved one prefers spending the rest of their life in the family home, keeping that home…
How to Prevent Dehydration in Seniors
How dangerous can not drinking water really be? Probably more than you think! During the hot, summer days as well as cold, dry ones in winter, being properly hydrated is…
Fun Activities for Seniors and Their Caregivers
Every home care expert knows that senior citizens need to keep their bodies and minds working, and the older they get the more important this is. As seniors are prone…
Aging in Place 101
The Aging in place trend has seen a steady increase in popularity with Burbank homeowners, and for all the obvious reasons. Aging in place allows seniors to live unhindered and…
Depression in Seniors – Expert Advice
Struggling with depression is not uncommon for senior citizens, and the percent of those choosing suicide as a way out is constantly growing. Despite this, therapists often neglect senior citizens,…
Your Senior Loved Ones Are Living Alone? Consider This Helpful Advice!
Most seniors are not comfortable with the idea of leaving their home, and want to keep it theirs for as long as possible. Whether they don’t want to give up…