One Thing You Shouldn’t Forget When Planning Your Summer Vacation

All Posts tagged Senior Care Beverly Hills

One Thing You Shouldn’t Forget When Planning Your Summer Vacation

Old Woman Summer - home care agencies in Beverly Hills CaliforniaWe all love and care for our senior loved ones, but if you happen to leave away from them sometimes your frequent phone calls are likely the only contact you have. And phone calls can only tell you so much about their health. That is where experienced home care agencies in Beverly Hills California come into play. Professionals working in home care in Beverly Hills can help your senior loved one throughout the year, improving their quality of life through various services. And if you haven’t already found a perfect caregiver for your senior loved one, spring would be the ideal time to do it.


Well, because if you’re like most US families, you are likely planning a holiday or a series of short vacations and trips to places and states you’ve never visited. Perhaps even a trip overseas. That leaves your senior loved one completely alone. Even if friends or relatives come to visit every once in a while, they still won’t be able to provide the support you or a professional caregiver can.


Prepare Seniors for the Allergy Season

Senior With Allergies - senior care Beverly HillsThe winter is nearly over, which means that the spring is upon us. However happy you may be for the warmer weather and more sun, the spring is always a troubling time for one group of people – those with allergies.

All the plants and flowers will release countless grains of pollen into the air, and people who are sensitive to it will start experiencing the tell-tale signs of spring allergy; a runny nose, watery eyes and constant sneezing are just the tip of the iceberg, as there are far more visceral and dramatic reactions to pollen. It can make senior care in Beverly Hills quite challenging and problematic.

So, what can you do for seniors who suffer from this nuisance? A good caregiver should know these basic rules for a happy and carefree pollen allergy season.


Seniors and Diabetes: Can Diet and Exercise Reverse this Condition?

Senior-Diabetes-Check-Senior-Care-Beverly-HillsDiabetes is one of the most demanding conditions in that diabetes patients have to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels, take medications and shots regularly, and be very careful about what they eat and how much they eat.

According to the American Diabetes Association, over 25% of seniors aged over 65 struggle with this condition. Diabetes is all the more the dangerous at an older age, as it can decrease the seniors’ functionality and affect motor skills, causing the seniors to fall and hurt themselves. Furthermore, if not monitored and properly treated diabetes can lead to a fatal outcome. Seniors struggling with diabetes often need a reliable caregiver to help them with day-to-day activities and monitoring the disease.

Senior care Beverly Hills experts stress that a lot of seniors’ condition improves with a meal plan caregivers help seniors stick to, through monitoring their progress and helping them exercise. In this article, we’ll go explain how seniors with diabetes can lead a better life.
