7 Myths about Alzheimer’s and the Truth behind Them

All Posts tagged alzheimer’s

7 Myths about Alzheimer’s and the Truth behind Them

Struggling Senior Man - Home Care in BrentwoodAlzheimer’s is the most feared brain disease. Everybody knows this disease takes away your memories one by one until you cannot even recognize those closest to you. Unfortunately, that’s where the general knowledge about this disease stops.

The media and the internet are filled with stories about Alzheimer’s. We often see characters suffering from Alzheimer’s portrayed on the TV, and most of the time that portrayal is greatly exaggerated. Amidst all these portrayals and stories there’s a lot of false truths.

There are several notorious myths those unfamiliar with the disease perpetuate about who can contract Alzheimer’s, how it affects them and what the outcome will be. These myths often stand in the way of helping loved ones struggling with it and understanding what they are going through.

In this article, we are going to be taking a look at 7 most common Alzheimer’s myths and debunk them once and for all.


Can Aromatherapy Help Patients Deal with Alzheimer’s?

Aromatherapy - Homecare HollywoodLooking up alternative Alzheimer’s treatments on the internet delivers a lot of interesting results. These alternative treatments include everything from music therapy to art sessions and many other fun activities that have been proven to help seniors dealing with Alzheimer’s by many studies.

But one thing that you probably never even considered to be helpful can show tremendous results in helping your seniors overcome dementia and Alzheimer’s, as recent studies have shown. We are talking about aromatherapy, and other similar alternative therapies that have been proven to deliver positive effects and surprising results.

We asked our homecare Hollywood experts to guide us through how aromatherapy can help seniors with these conditions.
