1) Listen carefully how your loved one feels about the caregiver regardless of your personal opinion of the person.
2) Evaluate and get feedback from all of the caregivers don’t base your opinion on the feedback of just one caregiver.
3) Protect the finances of your loved one and make sure that there can be no abuse of their personal resources. This will also protect the wrong type of caregiver from your loved one.
4) Don’t feel comfortable just because someone has a good background. That is just the beginning and does not guarantee the caregiver will provide good care or be honest.
5) Frequently check in with your loved one to make sure they are doing okay.
6) If the caregiver is controlling or pushy get rid of them.
One of the most important decisions is finding the right caregiver for your loved one. To learn more about getting the finest of in home care in Beverly Hills or Los Angeles home care for your loved one call A Better Way In Home Care today at: (323) 650-2211.