Struggling with depression is not uncommon for senior citizens, and the percent of those choosing suicide as a way out is constantly growing. Despite this, therapists often neglect senior citizens, citing correlation between depression and old age. On the other hand, many elder citizens do not want to worry or burden their families, and often do not seek professional help at all. Older generations nurture strong prejudices towards seeking help to overcome a mental disorder, which only makes their suffering worse.
Depression is not a normal thing to go through in senior years, which is why seeking help for this condition is a must. Senior citizens need even more help to overcome this terrible burden. Finding good in home care in Sherman Oaks is just the first step towards ensuring that your elderly family members are well taken care of, but if your loved one does not want to seek help to battle depression, what should you do?
Know the enemy
While depression awareness has been significantly raised over the last couple of decades, some stereotypes remain a strong obstacle in battling this disease. Providing support to your elderly loved ones is something you are more qualified to do than a psychiatrist, but educating yourself and learning more about depression will help knowing how to treat them better. Those suffering from depression can easily turn your well-intended words upside down and twist them out of context, which is why you must pick what you say carefully.
Recognizing Depression
Getting to know more about the symptoms of depression can help you determine whether your elderly loved ones are secretly fighting this demon by themselves. People tend to associate depression with extreme sadness, but some patients do not show signs of sadness at all. Some of the most common symptoms include self-neglect, weight loss or gain, lack of socialization, lack of interest in activities your loved ones enjoyed before, lack of motivation, disrupted sleeping patterns and insomnia, trouble remembering etc. You will need to pay attention to their condition and react if you see that your loved ones are falling deeper into depression or if these symptoms get worse.
When to Seek Help?
Those suffering from depression often lack the desire and courage to seek professional help, which is why your support is crucial. Some seniors are strongly biased when it comes to seeking help to battle a mental disorder, which can make things far more difficult. Family members should offer emotional support and encourage those struggling with depression to seek help. While they might refuse it at first, getting them to a certified specialist and accompanying them to the therapy sessions can make all the difference.
Be Supportive
While treating depression is best left to professionals, there is no one more qualified to provide emotional support to affected seniors than their closest family members. There are several ways you can help them overcome this terrible condition. You should encourage them to continue attending therapy sessions and take their medication on time. Knowing how to listen to their problems is another thing you can do to help. Learn how to be objective and avoid judgmental comments. Let them know that they can share anything with you.
Stress can often trigger an episode, which is why you must help them deal with stressful situations and maintain a stress-free environment. You need to help them establish a routine, including taking their medication, socializing, sleeping, eating, and doing chores. Encourage seniors to spend more time with those closest to them more often, either with family members or friends. Take them for a walk and visit them as often as you can.
Home Care Sherman Oaks Expert
If your senior loved ones battling depression are living alone, in home care in Sherman Oaks is the best way to make sure they have all the help they need. Hiring a reliable caregiver can be difficult, which is why A Better Way in Home Care offers caregiver referral services to senior citizens in Sherman Oaks. Contact us if you need help – our friendly agents are here to answer any questions you may have.