Being conversant with the various terms that revolve around senior living and senior care becomes crucial as your parents in Encino get older and older. Knowing these terms will help you to be involved in their life and become a part of it, so that you can make all the right decisions concerning them. If you enter into an agreement in Encino blindly, you might be on the losing end of it. These are some of the many terms that will help you get a better understanding of proper in-home care and assisted living.
In-home caregivers
The term caregiver refers to the primary person that is in charge of taking care of someone who is ill, disabled, or just unable to perform basic tasks. Although family members can assume that role, caregivers in Encino are professional domestic workers capable of executing their tasks with proficiency. Doctors advise hiring experienced in-home care experts if your case is sensitive and demanding.
This is the individual that is appointed by the court to legally represent another person that is incapable of executing their responsibilities both lawfully and financially. It is important to have one for the elderly so as to assist them where they can no longer help themselves.
In-home health care
These are the medical and nursing services delivered in the senior’s home. In-home care professionals will be at your senior’s home ready to take cater to all their needs, including those that require certain medical assistance.
Independent living
This is the right option for old people that still have the physical and mental capacity to live alone to provide them companionship. They will be provided with the necessary non-health home care services that will improve their lifestyles even at old age.
Long-term in-home care
This is the type of care provided to someone who no longer has full capacity to function as a result of illness or disability. They will need the kind of attention that is continuous and lasts for an extended period.
For specific individuals who are unable to pay for health care, some states in the U.S. will provide assistance. Certain criteria must be met, like the depletion of funds and assets. Once an individual is proven to be eligible for this type of aid, they will be able to receive it.
This is a health insurance program for people who are 65 or older and who are victims to any disability. Medicare provides them with various benefits but only if they are eligible by fitting into their age constraints. It is strictly designed to cater to aged people.
In-home nursing assistant
This is the individual that focuses on providing personal care like bathing, dressing and activities that take place in the toilet. Registered or licensed nurses often do this job and are professionally trained to handle everything.
Nursing home
This is a facility that is licensed by the state and entails the provision of room, meals, care and activities for individuals that are victims of long-term disabilities and illnesses.
Physical therapy
This is the intelligent use of mechanical and physical means that are designed to treat both diseases and injuries. Activities included are the likes of massages and exercises. Trained physical therapists will focus on restoring people’s basic functions and strength through the means mentioned above.
Intensive therapeutic care is for people that need either speech, occupational or physical therapy. This is usually only prescribed for really exceptional cases and will serve to assist them in regaining their maximum potential.