An exercise a day keeps the doctor away. Physical exercises are important to people of all ages, both young and old. It is wrong to assume that exercises are only reserved for the young and energetic. The only difference between these two groups is the intensity. While young people prefer intense exercises, the elderly prefer light exercises where little energy is used. The benefits of light exercises on a senior cannot be underestimated. In fact, it is better for seniors in Cheviot Hills to engage in low-impact exercises than not do anything at all.
The bones and muscles of the elderly are weak and that is why they need exercises which won’t give them much trouble. An average elderly can perform light exercises for at least three days a week. If one is too weak or has a poor health condition, the days can be cut down to two. This can happen at home with the help of an in-home caregiver in Cheviot Hills. A caregiver will not just assist in the physical routine but will also be available to provide moral support. With proper support, an elderly will perform all the exercises with total commitment.
Before a senior starts doing light exercises, it is always good to involve a qualified medical practitioner. The doctor will assess the physical state of the senior then recommend the most appropriate exercises that should be performed. No matter how light some exercises appear, they can be too dangerous for people in a specific age bracket. Once you have been given an okay by the doctor, the next step will be to start performing exercises. Some of the key benefits of light exercises for seniors include strengthening bones and muscles, reducing stress, improving the performance of the brain and flexibility and streamlining blood pressure.
With such amazing benefits, there should be no excuses for not doing physical exercises. Age should not be the limit because the exercises are light and less involving. Light exercises for seniors are divided into different categories depending on what they intend to achieve. These categories include exercises for balance, flexibility, strength and endurance. An elderly should view these exercises as fun rather than daily routine. While doing them, there should be a reliable caregiver on standby. The role of this caregiver would be to ensure that everything is done correctly and provide the needed help in case of any accident.
Categories of Light Exercises for Seniors in Cheviot Hills
Balance exercises: They make it easier for the senior to move around, reducing the risk of falls. These exercises are recommended to seniors who have mobility issues. Doing these will instill some level of independence in the senior. Some exercises for improving balance include dancing, water aerobics, using exercise balls and yoga. All these can be done while at home receiving in-home senior care.
Flexibility exercises: Just as the name suggests, they help the senior be flexible. They improve muscle movement, making it easier for the senior to execute a wide range of motion. Spending 20 minutes a day stretching the muscles can improve a senior’s flexibility. Dancing and doing yoga helps enhance flexibility.
Endurance exercises: These exercises work on the cardiovascular system of the person. They also improve the breathing rate as more energy is required to perform them. Swimming, gardening, and walking are some of the best endurance exercises that a senior can do. Note that an elderly individual needs at least 30 minutes a day to do these exercises.
Strengthening exercises: They help strengthen bones and muscles. These exercises include lifting small weights and stretching resistance bands. You can bring the fitness equipment at home, or you can decide to go to the nearest fitness center in Cheviot Hills. A reliable caregiver, one that has been thoroughly background-checked to eliminate the risk of elderly abuse and neglect, should closely supervise the senior, especially when weights are involved during a fitness session.
When dealing with seniors, there is no need for a rush. Each exercise should be handled in a slow but sure way. Each exercise session should be started with a warm up. After that the elderly should do very light exercises and then proceeded to the strenuous ones.