Reasons Why You should Consider Using In-Home Care Services

Caring for a terminally sick or an old person of bad health is not a task for the faint-hearted. It requires more than just love for the affected person. It requires time and may even end up draining you financially. The task can be more complicated if you live several miles away from the person that you are supposed to care for. Even if the two of you live together, you may be tied down by your career which makes it difficult to give the person proper care. A great number of families in Beverly Hills opt for in home senior care providers, but many decide to take their loved ones to nursing institutions. These institutions come with many disadvantages, and that is why one of the best ways of caring for your loved one is by seeking in-home care services and exploring their many benefits.

One of the roles of in-home care providers is to make the elderly feel safe and protected. And since they are being taken care of at home instead of being taken to a nursing facility or hospitalized, they can retain some level of independence. This, too, gives them peace of mind. Here are the reasons why you should consider using in-home care services.


In-home care is affordable, compared to the price of a nursing home. The cost of keeping a patient in a nursing home is twice that of using home care services. You will probably spend a good fortune treating the affected person, and your financial situation could be severely affected. Home care is the best alternative that you can use in this critical situation. While it may cost you around $70,000 per year to keep a patient in the nursing facility, it may only cost you $30,000 or even less per year to give the patient home care. This difference is too big to be ignored.

Personalized care

With in-home care, a patient will be able to get personalized care. This is unlike in a facility where a group of people will be given the same treatment, regardless of their preferences and needs. Personalized care means that the deepest need of a patient will be catered for by the caregiver. This can help the senior to recover quickly or to stay positive with the current condition.

Familiar environment

Sometimes changes can negatively affect a person. Let’s assume that you are used to being around Beverly Hills, and you are fond of always relaxing at particular spots. A change in place could affect you, and you could start feeling homesick. The same applies to senior patients. Transferring an old person to a nursing facility can worsen their condition. Your old parents have stayed in their house for many years, maybe since they got married. They are used to their surroundings, neighbors, and they have good memories of the place. They would never wish to go anywhere else. In such a situation, moving them away can feel like prison. Home care services help to avoid this miserable situation.

Smooth transition

Everyone yearns for a smooth transition. It prevents you from being shocked with the changes that are undergoing. Moving someone from their beloved home directly to a nursing facility may not be taken down well. The patient may start feeling rejected or ignored, and this can lead to depression and anxiety. As a family, you may end up having a major fight, because you didn’t agree on the best method to care for your loved one. A nursing facility could be having different rules of operation, and these rules may not be a good match with your senior relative. Transitioning from a home full of freedom to an environment that is run on strict rules is never easy.

Family involvement

In-home care services facilitate close family involvement. As family members, you can check on your loved one anytime without any form of restrictions. The caregiver has your contact and calls you in case of anything. If you and your relative live together, you can stay in the same house. This tends to prevent the senior from feeling lonely. It also enhances companionship, as the patient will not feel abandoned. In a nursing facility, seniors tend to feel abandoned and neglected. This can end up hurting their emotions.

Caring for an elderly or a disabled loved one is quite demanding. Choices will have to be made, and these choices will have consequences. Choose to give your patient in-home care services, and it’s unlikely you will regret this decision.